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As I was getting ready for school, I received the most devastating news ever.

My parents were involved, in a very tragic accident.

While they're away on their own business trips, I stay home and watch the house since they trust me that much.

They were supposed to be back home by the end of this month, but I guess that's all over now. I've been getting calls left and right, but I haven't answered one because I feel like everything is so numb in and out of me.

I know Ema is probably going crazy right now, but I rather not talk to her instead of talking to her and spazzing out on her. I've basically been in bed all day, just staring at nothing in particular.


As I was finally sleeping, I heard the doorbell ring followed by loud banging on the door. I groaned with annoyance, as I slowly got out of bed to go open the door...even though I didn't want to.

Finally opening the door, I see the person that I've been dreading..Ema.

"What is going on Dwayne? You didn't come to school and you didn't answer or reply to any of my calls or text messages. What's wrong Dwayne?" she said with an angry and concerned tone

"Nothing." i said shrugging nonchalantly

She stared at me with a scowl, before turning around and walking to her car in a fast pace.

I just signed and closed the door.

I'm not letting any more bull crap, ruin my day.


I decided to just leave because I didn't like that vibe I was getting from Dwayne, and I really don't care if he may or may not think I don't care because I took my ass over there.

We both can play the "I don't care" game.


I finally arrived to my house, and just went up to my room to go take a shower then make something to eat.

After putting on a tank top and a jean shorts on, I walked out of my room to go to the kitchen. I decided to just make a simple turkey sandwich since it was only 3pm.

As I was eating my sandwich my phone rang and it was..Dwayne.

"What?" i answered

"Who are you talking to?" he said

"Um...you." I said in a "duh" tone

"Look, you need to relax. You're upset with me, and you don't even know what I'm going through." he explained

"Well, I specifically remember coming to your house to find out what was going on with you. However, you wanted to act like an ass...so I'll be one too."i said before drinking some of my juice

"Aren't you suppose to be a caring girlfriend?" he asked with a confused tone

"Aren't you suppose to be an open and comfortable boyfriend?" I asked with sass

"You know what, I'm gonna hang up before I say something that I shouldn't." he said

"It's nothing I've never heard before anyways." I said before hanging up

You see, I'm not a very caring person..as most people may say. Meaning, I rarely give a damn about peoples feelings. When I DO care about people's feelings, they think I should just kiss their ass.

Which will NEVER happen.

I really care about Dwayne, but I'll be damned if he makes me become a little lost puppy or something.

Ema don't change for...NO ONE!


Ema and I are still in the beginner term of our relationship, and we're already having this type of situation. I know I should've handled my attitude better, but I just have a little too much on my mind to be dealing with ANY ONE'S pettiness today.

If she really cares like she ACTS like she does, she'll come or call to check on me



Ema is laying on her bed just staring at the ceiling, with all types of thoughts going through her mind. She's starting to realize why she never really wanted to be in a "relationship".

"My pride mixed with his pride, will never actually work." she thought

"What's the point of all this bull crap. He wants me to be supportive, but he's not even telling me what's wrong." she thought

"I've never been a girlfriend or anything before, and I've rarely ever had anyone there to support me. So, how will I know how to do that to someone." she thought as she became saddened by the reality of her life

"Should I just put a end to this crap now, before it gets out of hand?" she asked her self

"Yes. I think it'll be best for both of us. Since, our feeling aren't really sure yet. He won't feel bad or anything anyways. He'll just get a better girlfriend, that actually knows how to be a girlfriend." she assured her self

She took her phone, and went to the text messages section and pressed Dwayne's name.

Dwayne❤:" We need to talk."

I'm making the right choice...right?

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