18-Secrets and Games

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I woke up from my nap, seeing Dwayne's arm wrapped around my waist and his head on my exposed breast. After I "sat on my throne", we eventually stopped because I feel like it's still to early for sex..hell it's too early for head, but whatever.

As Dwayne slept, I just admired his face while softly caressing his hair and face. He started moving a little bit, but I continued until both of his eyes were completely opened.

"Hey." I said with a small smile

"Hey." he replied as he took his head off my breast

"How'd you sleep?" I asked

"Good, because you're here." he said with a smile

I just smiled then sort of zoned out, thinking and asking my self was this all true. My whole life, I've been criticized about my weight and skin complexion. So now it scares me, that Dwayne comes out of no where telling me and making me feel differently.

This is just too good to be true.

"Ema!" I heard Dwayne yell making me snap out of my thoughts

"Huh?" I asked

"Are you ok? He asked with a concerned face and tone and I just took a minute to look into his eyes, and..

I just don't see or believe it still.

"Y-Yeah, I just got a lot on my mind." I confessed

"You want to talk about it?" he asked

"No. Uh..I'm gonna get ready to leave." I said as I was about to get off the bed

"Wait. You're not spending the evening with me?" he asked as he softly grabbed my wrist

"No. I have some stuff to take care of at home."I lied just to get away from him

"Oh. Uh..well ok then." he said letting go with a suspicious look on his face

I just ignored it, and went to the bathroom to wash up a bit.


After washing my self a bit, I walked out the bathroom but didn't see Dwayne. I took that as an opportunity to put my clothes and sneakers back on. I fixed my hair a bit, and quietly walked out of his room.

As I was walking downstairs, I heard some talking so I decided to be even more quiet. As I was about to walk into the living room, I saw Dwayne talking on his phone so I just stood there not going in the living room.

"Why are you doing this?" I heard him ask

"Look babe, I know you don't like this, but I can't just leave school and stuff like that though." he explained


"Baby, I'll call you back ok. I think my friend may be done showering now." he said


"No, it's a male friend boo. He came over, and he became sweaty because we were playing basketball. You know I'd never disrespect you like that babe. I'm offended." he said before chuckling

"Alright princess. I love you and I will be seeing you soon okay?" he asked

Love huh?

"Ok baby. I'll talk to you later, tell your parents I said hi." he said

Obviously he was about to end the call, so I silenty ran back up to his room and sat on the bed, pulling out my phone to act as if I was just waiting for him.

Now, I'm definitely at the point that if I hear the words "boyfriend" or "love"-basically anything of the nature, I will blow up. This "man" has been acting like he's just an angel sent from heaven, when all along he was just like these regular fuck boys that does regular shit like this.

I'm not surprised at all to be honest, I'm just glad that I didn't honestly give my all- emotionally, into this relationship.

After a little while of sitting on his bed, he came back into his room with a smile on his damn face.

Let the games begin.

"Hey baby. How long you've been done?" he asked

"A while. I was just waiting for you, I didn't know where you were." I said with a "smile"

"Oh ok then. Well, are you ready?" he asked standing up from the bed

"Very." I said with a slight smirk

"Ok c'mon then." he said taking my hand into his

This bitch ass "man".

We walked downstairs hand in hand, and out the door before we were finally by my car.

"Alright babe. Call me when you get home alright?" he asked

"Ok no problem." I said

"Ok ma. Give me a kiss." he said puckering up


I slightly smile, as I gave him a weak peck on his lips.

"Get home safely." he said closing the door after I sat in the driver's seat

"Alright." I said driving away not even looking at him

You know, Dwayne is a very smart guy. I honestly would've never guessed that, he would be playing me and another girl...or maybe several. I'll be damed if I become broken or something over Dwayne's lame ass.

All I know is, I will not be playing fair. I'm an Aquarius, and there's a quote about us that I'm finally realizing to be true.

"If you try to play with an Aquarius, they'll show you how the game is played."

Dwayne...watch out baby boy.

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