12-Sexual Progress

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Ema just doesn't understand how much I want and crave her. Like I said before, I'll be patient with her and her insecurities. However, seeing her sit across the table talking down on her self did something to me.

After I told her I wanted her, she's been trying to avoid my intense stare. I'm not having that.

I snatched the phone away from her to catch her attention. She looked up at me with a frown.

"Um...are you ok Dwayne?"

I didn't respond so I just bent down and captured her lips into mines. As I kissed her I stood her up from the chair, and pushed her against the kitchen wall.

I just continued kissing her like I've been craving or hungry for her lips. I started kissing down her neck to her collar bone. Then, I lightly sucked on her skin.

When she moaned, I started sucking a little harder. The more and louder she moaned the more I sucked. I just wanted to taste her so bad.

"Ema can I pleasure you?" I asked as I softly looked into her eyes

"U-Um...Dwayne what does that mean?" she asked with a curious look

I smirked before lifting her up with one of her legs on each of my arms.

"You're going to learn today baby." I said before walking upstairs to my bedroom

As we walked upstairs, I continued to put butterfly kisses on her neck until we arrived into my bedroom. I put her down, and just stared at her.

"W-What do I do Dwayne?" she asked while looking down

I frowned and lifted her head up with my index finger, before pecking her lips and closing the bedroom door and leaning on it.

"Number 1, look into my eyes when I speak to you or vise versa I won't tell you that again. Number2, slowly take off your sweatpants and underwear then lay on the bed with her legs open. And , don't you dare be shy or nervous around me." I said sternly while looking into her eyes

She slowly nodded as she did as instructed. She slowly pulled her sweatpants down and took her sneakers and sox before taking her feet out as it made a puddle around her feet. Then, she took her boy short off and picked her feet up so she can take them off.

She was about to put them in a corner on the floor, but I took them for her and put them on a chair near by.

She slowly walked over to the bed, and I just stared and admired her beautiful dark chocolate ass. She just doesn't know, what I'm ready to do to her.

She crawled to the top of the bed and laid on her back, and opened her legs while looking at the ceiling. I immediately took of my t-shirt, and slowly walked to the bed as I stared at her.

I got on the bed and crawled in between her legs and up to her face.

"Why you so quiet?" I asked as I sucked on her bottom lip

"Just nervous." she admitted

"Don't be nervous around me babe. So you was trying to hide this beautiful body away from me huh?" I asked before smacking and firmly gripping her thigh

"U-Um no." she said looking into my eyes

"Better not have been. I've been craving this for so long baby. You just don't understand." I said as I slowly looked at her body while biting my bottom lip

"I'm going to devour your beautiful pussy." I said as I was one centimeter away from her face

I instantly felt her chest heaving up and down and her breathing speed up a little bit.

"Pleasure me Dwayne." she said lowly as she looked into my eyes

"You wish is my command babe." i said before going down and gripping both of her thighs in each hand to keep them steady incase she tries to close them.


Dwayne definitely has a way with word. I just want him to make me feel good already.

"Pleasure me Dwayne." I said as I looked into his eyes

"Your wish is my command babe." he said before going down
I felt him firmly grip both of my thighs, so they can stay opened. This feeling is so overwhelming, I feel like I'm about to have a panic attack before it even starts.

Then suddenly I felt light kisses on both of my inner thighs, I instantly tried to shut my legs but his hand prevented that.

I felt his tongue slowly slide from the bottom to the top of my vagina.

Jesus help me!

Then I felt him take my clit into his mouth and slowly sucked it.

"Ahhh" I lowly moaned

I tried to control my breathing and moaning, but I just couldn't control it.

He then started viciously sucking and licking my clit like a wild animal.

"Uhhhhh...ooooo...D-Dwayne."I moaned as I rubbed his head and breathed heavily

He pulled my hip closer to his face, as I tried to pull away a bit.

"Ahhh...Dwayne...please!" I yelled and begged as I felt an unfamiliar feeling in my stomach

I felt my breathing quicken and I started breathing even more heavily then before.

"Oh my God! Dwayne!...ahhh." I moaned loudly as I pushed his face in more and lifted both of my legs and seperated them even more

Lawd have mercy...WHAT IS THIS?!

A few more seconds of him licking and sucking me, I felt the urge to pee.

"D-Dwayne...i have to pee babe." I squealed as the intense feeling of his tongue

He ingnored my statement and continued sucking and licking up and down, left and right of my vagina.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I yelled as I released and gasped thinking that I've peed in his mouth

"Oh my God, Im so sor-" i was cut off

Dwayne came up to my face and gave me a rough and passionate kiss, then pulled away with my bottom lip popping out of his mouth.

"You didn't pee babe. You just squirted, meaning I did one hell of a good job." he said smirking

"Why am I so sleepy Dwayne?" I asked as I felt my self slowly falling asleep

"Orgasms makes people tired babe. Take a little nap, then I'll take you home." he said before kissing me and laying down next to me

He pulled my into him with his arm around my waist , and my arm around his neck.

"Thank you babe." I said before completely falling asleep

What ever that was, I need it in my life Lord...constantly.

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