22- The "Date"

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I'm not much of the "boyfriend" type of guy anymore, because every girl I've given my heart to has played with it. So, I'm very strict on which girl I even look at.

As a young man in college, it's very hard to resist temptation. Even some of the female professors try to come at me, but that's definitely not about to happen. All my homies, think I'm weird because while they out fucking everything with a vagina, I'm just trying to get my life right and focus on school.

I haven't had the best life growing up, my mom was a sex and drug addict and my dad was just a plain deadbeat. My mom would have a different man in the house every damn night, and had absolutely no shame. Even though I was very young, I was also very smart.

The result of my mothers addictions, was me being taken away from her when I was only 10 years old. My grandparents filed for full custody of me, and I've been with them ever since. My grandparents are so supportive, non judgemental, and just plain old sweet.

After graduating from high school last year, many of my friends and family members-including my grandparents, have been pestering me about my love life. Even though, I tell them that I'm single they just really don't believe me.

However, Ema seems like a good person. I would definitely like to be her friend for now, even though I may come off as a flirt.

She's beautiful.

I may not know her or her story, but I can sense that she's been hurt before but is trying to hide it.

She just doesn't know.

Speaking of her, she's returning my call right now.

"Hey you." I said with a smile

"Hey Mark." she said with a exhausted tone

"Uh oh. What's wrong?" I asked skeptically

"I'm just a bit overwhelmed with everything, especially waiting for my acceptance letters. I'll be very upset if they don't accept me." she said in sad tone

"Aww stop it, your making me sad. Look, you seem like a very smart girl and I don't see any reason why they wouldn't accept you." I said truthfully

"Thanks. I really needed to hear that. Well, enough about me wassup with you?" she asked

"I'm chillin' as usual. What are you doing on this fine Sunday evening?" I asked

"Just laying down and watching movies...as always." she said

"Uh...why don't we go somewhere today?" I asked eagerly

"Sure. Where?" she asked


"How about we go the the movies, then go eat something after?" I suggested

"Yay! That would be great, because I haven't went to the movies in a long time." she said excitingly

"Well..do you want to meet me there or..." I trailed off

"We could meet there. That'll be good." she said


"Alright then. What time should we meet?" I asked

"Uh...8 sounds good?" she asked

"Perfect. I'll see you then."I said

"Okay." she said in a hurry before hanging up

This should be fun.


After hanging up I immediately went into my closet and put a few things together, and created the perfect outfit.

After showering and doing all other necessities, I put on my outfit. Then took my phone, purse, wallet, and car keys then left the house.


After driving for about 30 minutes, I've finally arrived to the movie theatre. I saw Mark standing outside, obviously waiting for me so I quickly gathered my things and got out of the car.

He smiled when he saw me and started walking towards me.

"Hey." he said softly before giving me a bear hug

Lord he smells good.

"Hey. How are you?" I asked with a smile

"Very good. You ready?" he asked with a smile

"Yup." I said popping the p

We walked towards the entrance of the theatre, and walked in together since the doors opened automatically. We went to the cashier, and decided to see Jurassic World in 3D.

After he paid for our tickets, I wanted to pay for our food but of course he declined.

"Can I please just buy them. It's not a big deal Mark." I said in a annoyed tone

"No Ema. I'm the one that invited you, so I'll be paying." he said with a fake big smile

I just smiled while shaking my head.

After he paid for the popcorn, drinks, and candy we went to find where our theatre was. As we were walking all around the place obviously lost, I heard someone say my name. I turned around and it was Ashley and Dwayne with another couple.

"Hey Ema." Ashley said eagerly

"Hey guys. What movie are you watching?" I asked skeptically

"Oh. We're all gonna watch Jurassic World in 3D. You?" she asked

How ironic. Just...beautiful.

"Same." I said with a wide smile

"Hey Ema." I heard Dwayne say

"Oh. Hey cuz. How are you?" I asked with a smirk

"Good. Wassup, who's this?" he asked while looking at Mark

"Oh. This is Mark." I said with a smile

Did I just see Dwayne's little jaw clench? Oops!

"Oh, your Mark. Well is this who your bringing to the party?" Ashley asked with a smile


"Yup. He's my date. Ain't that right baby?" I asked with a smile as I looked at Mark and winked so he can understand

"Of course babe." he said before kissing me cheek

"Mhm. Well, let's go before we miss the movie." Dwayne said cleary annoyed

I don't give, not one damn.

"Right. Let's go Marky." I said as I put my arms in between Mark's arm and began walking

"You ain't slick." Mark mumbled as we all walked towards our theatre

"Yes I am." I said with a smirk

This should be fun.

Ema's Outfit in MM

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