31- Believing and Trusting

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"You better watch your back, you fat bitch. I WILL get my man back."

Another anonymous note left on my locker, car window, my front porch, and many more different places. I've been seeing these letters everday, for the past two weeks now. I haven't questioned it, because I know that I didn't take anyone's man.

Mark and I are still not on speaking terms. What he told me, didn't only shock me but it made me even more insecure about the fact that he may fall back in the arms of his...ex boyfriend. It really hurt me, when he said "I don't know."

Bish what?!

I'm happy that he's honest with me, however where does that leaves us? I really care about Mark, and I'm completely over Dwayne. But of course, Dwayne is still being very annoying. He's constantly texting me, trying to talk to me, and so many other things.

I'm fed up.


Ema and I are still not speaking, and it's honestly taking a toll on me. Ema means everything to me, and even my grandparents are asking about her.

I miss my baby!

I'm going to see her later, and try my very best to get back on her good side. I'm happy that I finally told her the truth about my past, and I'm finally realizing that I shouldn't have said "I don't know." when she asked me would I fall for him again.

Never again.


"Hey babe." I said softly with a smile when she opened the door

"Hey." she said lowly as she looked down

"Ay. Stop looking down." I said as I lifted her head up with my index finger

"What are you doing her Mark?" she asked as she leaned on the door

"I want to talk Em. I really hate how thing are between us baby, I really do." I confessed as I looked into her eyes

"Come in." she said before opening the doors wider

She closed the door after I walked in, and walked in front of me towards the sofa in the living room. After we both sat down, I grabbed both of her hands and looked into her eyes.

"Ema, I-I love you. I know that you may think I'm lying or it's too soon, but baby I really don't care. I don't think you know the affect, that you have on me. You have some type of hold on me, that I've become accustomed too and love very much. I'm sorry...about everything babe." I said before kissing both of her hands that were in my hands

"Wow." she said after exhaling deeply

"I mean everything that I've just said Ema." I said seriously

"I know. But...like what drove you into the arms of a man?" she asked skeptically

"Well, to be honest with you I've had a very bad experience with females before...him. When I was going through it with my ex girlfriend, he was there for me. I didn't know he had a crush on me, until he confessed it. I was very confused, but after a while I was just like "it is what it is" and I went along with it. And, after a little while I caught real feelings for him." I said before shrugging

"Are you positive, that if he were to come back into your life randomly that you wouldn't go right back to him?" she asked after signing

"Babe, I promise. When someone does me wrong, there's absolutely no going back to that. He did me wrong, and I'll never forgive him or go back to him for that." I admitted

"I believe you." she said finally looking at me

"You trust me?" I asked skeptically

"Yes, and hopefully you don't let me down." she said with a small smile

"Awww baby." I cooed as I tried to kiss her

She put her hand over her mouth, and moved back when I was about to kiss her.

"What?" I whined

"You're still on punishment." she said with a smirk

"Oh yeah?" I asked with a smirk

She slowly nodded her head, and tried to get up.

"Nah. Come here ma." I said as I pulled her arms towards me

She giggled as I forced her to lay on top of me, and kissed her all over her face and neck.

"I love you baby." I said as I looked into her eyes and caressed her cheek softly

She stared at me for a minute before smiling.

"I love you too Marky." she said before pecking my lips softly

The kiss started innocently, to our tongues viciously massaging each other's, and to her under me while I suck on her neck and collar bone.

"M-Mark." Ema stuttered as I sucked on the top of her exposed breast shown due to her tank top being pulled down

"Yes baby?" I asked softly before pulling her tank top off her and unclipping her bra

"What are you doing?" she asked breathlessly

"Pleasing you." I said before taking her left nipple into my mouth as I gently caressed her right breast

"Ahh mmm..." Ema lightly moaned

The most beautiful sound ever.

After giving both of her breast their treatments, I went lower and started kissing and sucking on her stomach until I've finally arrived to her waist. I slowly pulled down her shorts along with her underwear, as I looked up into her eyes.

She just stared at me with anticipation of my next move, as she roughly bit her bottom lip. When everything was finally off, and she layed there completely naked I looked up at her.

"May I?" I asked as my finger slowly went up and down her vagina

"Y-Yes." she stuttered as her head flew back

As soon as she responded, I softly started to suck on her "lips", as my thumb rubbed her clit in circular motion.

"Ahhh! Oh God!" Ema yelled as I viciously sucked her clit and caressed her thick thighs

"P-Please stop." Ema panted and said breathlessly as she tried to push my head away

Little does she know, that we're just getting started.

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