6-loosen up

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As I was driving, I couldn't stop thinking about Dwayne. Call me crazy..but all this is very new to me. I've never had any boy or girl that wanted to be friends with me, so all this "trying to get to know me" thing Dwayne is doing is very foreign to me.


After 30 mins, I finally arrived to my house. I got all my stuff, and stepped out of the car, walked to the front door, unlocked the door, and went straight to my room to take a nice warm shower before making dinner.

After my shower, I checked my phone and as usual..there was no type of notification.

I'm not really into those social media things, however I've became so lonely that I may try to make a instagram or facebook to keep my self entertained.

I think my parents have forgotten that I'm here alone because, they haven't called me once to check on me...which is sadly a regular thing.

I walked into the kitchen, and opened the fridge and took out the sausages and decided to just make spaghetti and pasta.

As the spaghetti was boiling, I sat at the table and started downloading the facebook and instagram app. After they were both successfully downloaded, I opened them and started creating my accounts.

I decided to use my real name as my account name, my bio to a minimum, and put a selfie I took this morning as my profile pic. I started adding most of my favorite celebs and some gossip and entertainment pages.

I found a page on instagram, that was only for cute and sexy black men. As I continued to stroll down, I saw the most unexpected phote

A photo of Dwayne.

I stared at the picture with shock..and a bit of lust. I can't lie and say that he's unattractive...because he clearly is very attractive.

Under the photo the caption read

"This sexy vanilla chocolate. And once again our #MCM goes is @Dwaynetheman."

Out of curiosity, I clicked his name and ended up on his page. He had about 20,000 followers and was only following 500 people. He had alot of likes on all his pic... and also alot of "fans".

I continued to stroll through his page, and noticed that there were only pics of him, his friends, and his family.

No girlfriend or crush?

It was a bit shocking that there were no pics of him hugging or kissing and mysterious girl. Or maybe he likes to keep his personal life private.

I contemplated on whether to follow him or not, because he's the only person from school that actually speaks to me. I sat there just looking at the follow button, then it seems that my hand took control and just pressed the follow button.

As soon as I pressed it, I panicked and hit the unfollow button and quickly exited the app.

I stood up, and went to finish cooking my dinner. After about 10 minutes, the food was done. I put some spaghetti and pasta on a plate, took a fork and a bottle of water, and sat back down on the table.

As I was eating, I heard a buzzing sound coming from my phone. I picked it up, and I saw the instagram photo there as a notification. I was kind off scared to open it but I did any ways.

When I opened it, I almost dropped my phone because I saw a follow request from


I just starred at the phone with a confused looked, because I thought that I deleted the follow request....I guess he may have seen it or something.

Since my page was private, I would have to press accept in order for him to be officially following me. I was very scared, so I decided not to answer right away. I put the phone down, and continued eating food.

I ate all until my plate was finally empty, I washed my plate, threw the bottle away, and took my phone walking to my room.

After brushing my teeth, I layed on my bed and opened the instagram app. Surprisingly the request was still there, so I decided to just...accept it.

After pressing the accept button, I became a bit nervous for some reason. After a little while, I went of THESHADEROOM's page to see what's going in with these celebs. As, I was laughing at a video I was watching I saw a message from instagram pop up. I nervously opened it, and it was

Dwaynetheman: " Hey Ema."


"Hi Dwayne."

Dwyanetheman: " How are you? I'm very surprised to see you on instagram."

"I'm good and yourself? Well, I just made it to be honest."

Dwaynetheman: " I'm good beautiful. Oh that's good. Um...i thought you didn't want to talk to me again."

"Well...to be honest I don't really have any friends like that. I'm sorry for lashing out at you and etc. I just don't want anyone to play with me and my emotions."

Dwaynetheman: It's okay. I understand actually. When a person isn't used to something, they're cautious about it when it presents itself. However, I honestly just want to be friends with you and get to know you beautiful. I don't need anything in return love."

"Why are you so different from the other boys?"

Dwaynetheman: " I don't know. It seems to me that these boys, don't know what's good and what's not. I definitely know what's good. And....that's you."

That caused me to blush for some reason.

"Aww you so sweet. Well, I'm very tired. I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

Dwaynetheman: "Of course. Well goodnight beautiful. Also, don't be a stranger either lol."

"Lol of course not. Goodnight."

I guess it doesn't hurt, to loosen up a bit. Hopefully, this "friendship" thing doesn't back fire on me.

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