39- Smart Choices

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One month later


I don't know what's going with Stephanie, but she better chill because I don't like the little games that she's been playing. When I would ask her to do something, she would do it wishout hesitation but now she just ignores me, and every time I hit her up she tells me that she's busy. She's starting to treat me as if I'm irrelevant or something.

She must've forgot who she's messing with.


"Yo what's up with you now?" I asked Ashley as I caught her crying again

"Nothing Dwayne just leave me alone." she mumbled

After I revealed the truth to Ashley, about knowing her little secrets she told me that she was pregnant. I couldn't automatically deny it, because we have unprotected sex- as always. Even though it's been a while since we've had sex, we still did. So there's a possibility that I may be a father before officially graduating from high school. We're definitely not together anymore, but I will be here if the child is mine.

Just great!

"Look I'm not about to deal with your little temper tantrums today. So just chill." I said frustrated by her behavior

"I'm sorry. I just really don't feel good." she groaned in pain as she rubbed her stomach

"Come here." I mumbled

She slowly walked towards me and layed her head on my lap, as I began to rub her stomach slowly

"I'm sorry for everything Dwayne." Ashley said lowly after a moment of silence

"It's whatever." I said before signing

"No it's not Dwayne. I betrayed you, and messed up our relationship. Now I'm pregnant, and don't even know who the father is." she admitted as a tear ran down her cheek

"What happened, happened already. It's in the past now, and I've forgiven you. However, I'm not going down that route with you anymore." I confessed

"I understand." she nodded slowly

"Is there something else wrong?" I asked skeptically

"N-No. I'm just stressed and overwhelmed by everything that's been happening." she said

"Well relax. You shouldn't be stressing with a baby inside of you." I said sternly

"You're right." she said with a small smile as she continued to rub her stomach

Only time will tell.


"Hi Ema." I said with a small smile as I saw her sitting on the kitchen counter

She looked at me, rolled her eyes, then looked away again.

"Ema, I'm sorry about everything that I've done and said in the past. We should at least be cordial for the sake of your mother." I pleaded

"Boy bye! You were the one that swore to get me kicked out, now you're all up in my face like I'm just suppose to hug all over you. Leave me the hell alone." she said before hopping off the kitchen counter and walking past me angrily

"Ema." I said as I softly grabbed her elbow

"Get off of me Dave!" she yelled

Good thing her mother isn't here.

"I just want to talk to yo-"

"No. Leave me the fu-"

I grabbed her by the back of her neck, and kissed her. She tried to push me away, but I held her tighter.

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