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As I stared into his eyes, I saw something I've never seen before.

A look of admiration

I was so caught up in looking into his eyes, that I didn't realize that I was going to be late to class. At the sound of the late bell.

I quickly grabbed my books and jogged out of music class to go to my next and last class...Spanish class.

As a senior, my schedule is shorter than the 9th to 11th graders and also I already have most of my credits.

I made my way to the back of the classroom...of course. Good thing the teacher didn't question me or anything in front of everybody. I heard the class room door open, and to my surprise it was..


Of course all the girls, began to drool ans etc as he walked across the room to find a seat.

I guess he saw me, as I quickly looked away from his daze. I didn't even realize that he sat next to me.

"Hello beautiful." he said with a tone of amusement in his voice

I didn't even look his way, because I was getting mad and disgusted stares from the other students in the room.

"So you ignoring me now?" he asked

"Please stop talking to me." I mumbled

"Why you acting like that?" he asked in a confused tone

Still not looking at him, I just decided to ignore him.

"Can I atleast know your name?" he asked

"Ema." I mumbled

"Ema. Beautiful name for a gorgeous girl." he said

I frowned, in order to avoid the urge to blush. I don't know exactly what this boy wants, but he needs to try to play with someone else because I'm not the one.


The bell finally ranged, meaning the period is over and I can finally go home and get away from this place.

As I quickly packed my books and etc, I felt someone staring at me. I looked up and it was Stephanie glaring at me and all of her...followers.

I continued packing my stuff and didn't even notice that Dwayne was just staring at me...as if he was waiting for me or something.

"Can I help you sir?" I asked in annoyance

He simply smirked, which annoyed me even more.

"You're so mean, for no reason." he said with the same dumb smirk

"Look. You don't know me and I don't know you. So, I suggest you leave me alone. There are plenty of girls for you to play with, and trust and believe I'm not one of them. Please leave me alone, people in this school already have an issue with me for no reason, so I don't need them to have a reason now." I said before walking out of the class with my belongings

I heard footsteps behinds me, and then someone gently grabbed my arm as soon as I was about to open the school door to go outside.

I turned around and of course it was...Dwayne.

"What?" i asked calmly

"Look. I honestly just want to get to know you. You can't push everyone away, just for the simple fact that others act a certain way with you." he said looking into my eyes

"Look. It's been a long day, I'm very tired, so please let me be. Have a good day." I said before pulling my arm away and opening the door

I quickly walked to my car, unlocked it, opened the door, and got in with all my stuff and put them in the passenger's seat.

I took a deep breath in and out, before starting my car. As I looked in front of my car, I saw Dwayne with a group of friends but he was looking at me through the window.

When he saw me looking, he looked down then back at the people he was talking to.

I don't know why I feel kind of bad, but I'm not gonna let it get to me.

At least not today....I hope.

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