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I'm currently sitting in my last class for the day. I couldn't focus on anything but Ema and the kiss we shared in the parking lot.

There's no words to describe how amazing the kiss was. She better be lucky that I'm trying to be friends first, because I would've had her screaming my name and running away from my dick in the backseat of her car. However, I'll deal with this "friendship" thing for a little while. She just doesn't know the hold that she has on me. Like, I often dream and day dream about a possible relationship with her. And it's amazing, every time I think about it.


The bell has finally rung, so now I'm about to head home for a very much needed nap.

While I was in class, I was contemplating on whether or not I should ask Ema to have a..."date" with me just as friends of course. I was a bit nervous, because I don't want her to think I'm trying to push up on her. But, it can't hurt to try.

I finally saw her standing at her locker putting her books away, I guess she's leaving also. So, I decided to ask right there.

"Hey Ema." I said as I leaned on the locker next to hers

"Hey Dwayne." she said with a small smile

"How was your day?" I asked with a smirk

She lightly blushed as she put her head down

"It was good. Yours?" she asked picking her head back up

"Amazing." I said with a straight face while staring into her eyes

She looked away and cleared her throat.

"Um...that's good. Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow." she said with a smile before walking towards to exit doors

"Wait." i said gently grabbing her elbow

"Yes?" she said

"Um...I was wondering since we're both out now, that I'd take you out to eat. If you'd like." i said a bit nervously

"Are you asking me out on a date?" she said with a smirk

"Call it what you want to. But I just wanted to chill and get to know my friend better." i said with a smirk

"C'mon." she said before walking away

I couldn't help but smile and look at that ass as she walked away. Lord have mercy, she not ready.


I was a bit surprised when Dwayne asked my to go "chill" with him. However, I don't see anything wrong with it. So, I decided to go along with it.

He was very quiet as he was walking behind me. I already know he was looking at my ass. So, I switched my hips a little more just to play a little bit.

I finally turned around, and I caught him biting his bottom lip as he stared at my ass.

"Back to earth Dwayne." I said with a smirk

"U-Uh I'm sorry. What?" he asked finally looking at me

Nothing. Do you want to drive, since I don't know where you're taking me?" i asked

"Sure." he said taking the keys from me


We've been driving around for a good 30 minutes and I still don't have any clue as to where we're going.

"Dwayne are we almost there?" I asked

"Relax Ema. We're almost there." he said with a smile

"Okay." i said as I looked out to window

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