29- Haunted by the Past

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The party is going very well so far, everyone is dancing and vibing with eachother. I've caught Dwayne looking at Ema a lot, and for some weird reason...Ashley has been looking at me a lot.


I already can sense that she is or will be trying to start some drama, but I'm not having it. Ema and I are currently sitting next to eachother on the chairs chatting and flirting with eachother a bit.

"You look so good in that dress." I softly whispered in her ear

"Thanks babe." she said while blushing lightly

"You having fun?" I asked

"It's cool. But, I feel some awkward or weird vibes I don't know why." she said before shrugging

"You want to leave?" I asked

"Nope. I came to enjoy my self, so that's what I'm going to do." she said with a smile

"Ok Ms. Ema. I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back baby." I said before giving her a peck on her lips and getting up

"Ok." I heard her say as I began to walk to the direction of the bathroom

I finally found the bathroom, and entered but I felt like someone was looking at me.

It's probably nothing.


After I finished using the bathroom, I turned the lights off and opened the door to walk out. I closed the door, and turned around to begin walking back to the party but was suddenly interrupted when I heard someone call my name.

"Mark?" I heard the person ask

I turned around and saw my old friend Dave.

"Dave?" I asked for reassurance

"Hey. Wassup man?" he asked with a smile

"Wassup? How you been?" I asked skeptically

"I'm chillin' as always. What you doing here?" he asked

"Uh...I came with my girl. She's the host's cousin." I lied

"Oh..that's cool." he said

"What you doing here?" I asked skeptically

"I'm here for my home girl Ashley. She invited my last minute." he said

"That's good. Well I'm about to g-"

"Dwayne, you ain't gotta make things seem so awkward you know. Everything is in the past now." he said with a firm smile

"That's good. Glad to hear that." I said chuckling nervously

"Well...I'm gonna get back to the party. I'll see you around Mark." he said with a smile before walking away

Glad that went well...I think.


This party was so awkward because Dwayne was obviously annoyed about something, Ema and her man are over there giggling and shit like they're the best couple in the world, Stephanie is constantly glaring at me, and last but not least my "home boy" Dave was here...for his own reasons.

"Yo!" someone yelled in my ear

I flinched and turned around with a mug on my face, only to see Dave standing behind me with a smirk on his face.

"What?" I asked with a frown

"He still looks so damn good." Dave admitted with a smirk as he bit his bottom lip

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