36- Karma

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One week later


"Ahh! D-Dave!" I heard my mother moan and yell again for the 100th time

I've tried numerous times, to talk her into dumping Dave. Her response was "I'm in love. Let me be happy." So, in that order I've left her alone.

I love and respect my mother, even though she's dating a yonger man. However, I just hate that she's dating that younger man. I honestly, don't think it's my place to tell my mom about the real Dave.

I think it's best, if she finds out in her own.

I'd often catch Dave staring at me with a death glar, or he'd just roll his eyes and get annoyed once I walk in somewhere. I really hope that he's not doing all this for "his man", because he would look and feel very stupid if he saw or heard the things Mark says to me.

Mark and I are still not together, and I haven't spoken to him yet but he's just not giving up. I'm completely over these so called men now, and I'm just waiting for my graduation day so that I can finally be free from every one.

I'm currently sitting in the living room, with my beats headphone on listening to music so that I could avoid my mothers noises. However, that's obviously not working.


I was awaken by someone tapping my shoulders and saying my name.

"Em...honey." I heard my mom say

"Yes." I said with a sleep filled voice

"I just wanted to tell you that Dave and I will be going out for dinner. I left you some money, so you can order whatever you want to eat." she said


"Ok." I mumbled

She started walking towards the door with Dave behind her as she held his hand. He turned around, and winked at me before closing the door behind him.

The hell?

I hope whatever type of game that he's playing, doesn't benefit him at all in the end.


It's been a little while since I've heard from or seen Ema, and it just hurts me more and more every time I think about her and our situation. I've been trying to talk to, call, and text her, but I just get rejected- again.

I heard about Dave dating her mom, and I really want to warn her about him but she won't even give me a second of her time. I know I shouldn't have let that kiss continue, but I'm only human.

Do I regret it? Yes.

Do I want him back? Hell no.

I just wish Ema would stop being so stubborn and just listen to me, instead of just shutting me out. I love her deeply, but I guess only time will tell when we actually talk to eachother again and possible get back together again.

I'm gonna continue to keep hope alive.


Ashley's birthday is tomorrow, and I can't wait to give her the "loving" card that I've wrote for her. Her and her behavior hasn't improved at all, and I don't think it ever will.

I just hope whoever it is, is worth it.


Stephanie and I have been on the low, for a little while now. I know that I've been feenin' after Ema, but Steph was just a lil' someone that I- confided it when I was stressed or something. There's definitely no love or any type of strings attached, we're just...sexually cordial I guess.

All she does is give me head and rides me. There's no kissing, head from me, or none of that EVER. The only person I've ever gaven head to was Ema, and I'll never regret that. I hope I can do it again some day, but I'll wait.

Ashley thinks she's the only one that can run game, well she's just met her perfect match.

"Hey daddy." Stephanie said selectively as I entered her apartment

"Wassup." I said with a head nod as I walked towards her couch

"I'm ok. Uh...would you like something to eat?" she asked slyly

The hell?

"Stephanie stop playing games. You already know what I've came here for, so just get down to business." I said annoyed

"Ok." she mumbled before getting down on her knees and pulling my pants and boxers down, before doing her job

That's all she'll ever be good for anyways.


"Dave pick up the phone!" I yelled leaving another voice mail because he didn't answer- again

Dave has been really distant lately, and I'm really not liking it. I'm literally ruining my great relationship, because I've fallen in love with Dave. However, he's slowly slipping away from me.

I can't let that happen. Not again.

I've been really sick lately, and I'm constantly throwing up and etc. So, I took the risk of setting up an appointment at a near by clinic to know what's wrong with me.

What the doctor told me, made me regret that I was even born.

I'm three weeks pregnant...and infected with HIV. 

After I found out, I've completely shut out Dwayne because I don't even deserve to be in his presence. Here I am betraying my man, because "he's not here anymore" or "he's boring now", and now karma has finally bit me in the ass.

Maybe I should just go away and disappear- forever.

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