16-Communication Progress

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It's been almost a week and Dwayne and I are still not on speaking terms. And you would've never guessed it..but I've been hearing that Dwayne and Stephanie have something going on between them now.


I'm guessing their little "date" went well, because I haven't caught him starting at me or etc anymore. Honestly I'm hurt..but I'm not upset because as many would say..

This is my fault.

LIES! I will not take the blame for ending our..what ever it was because at that moment it's like both of us didn't care about each other's feelings.

To be honest, my feelings for Dwayne are slowly going away ever since he agreed to the "date". I'm not a hater, and I'm honestly happy for what ever it is that's going on between them.

Time to fix your self Ema.


It's been a week since the break up with Ema and date with Stephanie. Now, don't get me wrong I still have strong feelings for Ema but I won't just sit and mope while Ema seems to not have a care in the world.

I felt some type of way at first because she wouldn't even look at me..and still doesn't. It's as if she's very okay with our separation. That's just makes me wonder, did she even really like me to begin with.

Was I some sort of an experiment?

Was she just trying me out and didn't like it?

My mind just keeps asking these questions because I'm very concerned. Many may wonder why I haven't spoken to her, to be honest it's because I'm scared of rejection from her.

This is exactly why I didn't want to be in ANY relationship.

As for as Stephanie and I...we're just cordial. Even though I've heard that her and I are dating.

Hell no.

I still want my beautiful thick dark chocolate mami. I'm just still trying to prepare my self, for the day I decide to talk to her. I think it's best that both of us get our minds right, before making any attempts to speak to eachother.


The bell has finally rung meaning, that it's time for me to go home since I only had three classes today. As I was packing my bag, I saw my bab- Ema packing her items quickly. As soon as she had everthing set, ahe quickly walked out of the class.

I just shook my head because this is what she does everyday to avoid me, and it's honestly getting very annoying. You know what, I can't wait or take it anymore I'm going to talk to my baby...right now.

I quickly grabbed my book bag and left the classroom and began searching the hallway for Ema. I finally spotted her by the entrance door, so I jogged over to her.

"Ema!" i yelled

She automatically stopped walking and turned to face me, with a mean mug on her face.

"Yes?" she said with an eyebrow raised

"Ema, how long are we gonna play this game?" I asked

"Game? First of all, I don't play no games. Did I bother you, after what I said?" she asked

"No. But you act as if I meant nothing to you. Babe you won't even look at me. That really hurt my feelings. I know my attitude was unnecessary, and I'm truly sorry. Ema...please can we try to work this out?" I asked looking into her eyes

"What's going on with you and Stephanie?" she asked crossing her arms across her chest

"The rumors are false Ema. I would never be able to be with someone else, even if I wanted to be babe. You mean alot to me, and I guess it took a small separation between the both of us for me to realize that." I said putting my head down

It was silent for a minute, before I felt her finger under my chin lifting my head up, and standing on her toes to give me a few pecks on my lips.

YAY!...I think.

We both smiled at each other before I wrapped my arms around her waist and her arms around my neck, hugging each other.

I missed this.

We finally pulled away, and she took my hand and walked out the school building hand in hand towards her car.

As we walked together in the parking lot, I could feel stares and hear whispers but I didn't care because I had my baby with me...and that's all I'll ever need.

We finally arrived by her car, and we turned around to face eachother.

"I'm happy we're trying to work things out babe." Ema admitted

"Yeah. I honestly couldn't take it any more. You mean alot to me-

I softly grabbed her chin and brought her face towards mine.

And don't ever try to break up with me, because I won't allow it." I said while looking into her eyes before pecking her lips and letting her face go

She just looked into my eyes as she softly nibbled in her bottom lip, with a smirk before looking away from me.

"Don't worry. I'll give you the act right very soon." I said as I looked into her eyes while biting my bottom lip

"U-Um..okay. I'm gonna go now. Uh..will I see you later?" she asked as tucked a piece of hair behind her ear

"Yeah. My house sounds good?" I asked as I caressed her cheek

"Perfect. I'll see you later babe." she said before giving me a quick peck on my lips and reached to open the car door

"Um..what was that?" I asked with a raised eye brow

"What?" she asked confused

I just shook my head before grabbing her head by the back of her neck and instantly pushing my tongue inside her mouth. We haven't kissed like this in so long, it felt so...dreamy.

Our tongues continued to massage each other. I softly sucked on her tongue then her bottom lip, before letting her go.

"That." I said with a smirk before opening her door for her

She seemed to still be in a daze from the kiss, as she turned around and bumped into the car. I just chuckled, and waited for her to enter the car.

After she left, I walked to my car and left right after.

Hopefully, we have a great conversation later.

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