33- Going Home

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I've been in this hell hole, for about ten hours now. Dwayne keeps talking to and treating me, as if I'm his girlfriend. He would yell at me, threaten me and my life, then apologize after.


He's fed me, put me in a comfortable cozy bedroom to sleep in, and gave me some clothes to sleep in. I've been laying on the bed for a little while, just thinking about Mark, school, and etc.

I hope he comes find me.

I snapped out of my thoughts, when I heard a knock on the door.

"Yes?" I asked oddly

Dwayne came in with a slight smile, and a bag in his hand.

"Hey babe." he said with a smile

"Hello." I said nonchalantly

"Are you ok?" he asked looking around the room

I just took a minute to stare at him, and think "Is he really asking me this?"

"Yes." I mumbled

"Em, I know you may think that I'm crazy babe. But I'm not, I'm just madly in love with you and I can't imagine life without you. I know that I messed up really bad, but it took my this long to realize just how special you are to me an-"

"Dwayne stop. Love isn't just a word that's meant to be used lightly, no matter what the relationship is. If you really loved and cared about me, you wouldn't have played me like that. Now that I have someone that makes me happy, you're trying to take that away from me. I don't deserve that." I said as my voice started to crack and my eyes became teary

He walked over to me, got on both of his knees, and got directly in my face as I layed in my side.

"Ema I know that I can't change the past. However I do want you to be happy- with me. I love you so much Em, I'm in love with yo-"

"Stop please." I said before one tear ran down my cheek

"Baby please." he whispered

"You had to get me kidnapped, just to show your love for me?" I asked in disbelief

"I know that this is a really bad way of showing it, but I just wanted to get your attention." he said putting his head down shamefully

I lifted his head up with my index finger.

"This isn't the right way Dwayne. I cared about you deeply, but you took advantage of that. So, you have to let me be free. Despite, what you may think I still care about you and I wish you the best." I admitted

"You're such a good person." he said before chuckling

"Right. So what now?" I asked

"Uh...I let you go home." he said laughing lightly

"Yay." I smiled sarcastically

Finally going home.


It's been 10 hours since Ema went missing, and I miss my baby like crazy. I've been making calls left and right, trying to get in contact with her and asking about her.

I miss my baby.

I was snapped out of my thoughts, when I heard my doorbell ring. I signed loudly, before standing up and walking towards the door. I slowly opened the door, only to be completely surprised.

It was Dave.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked through gritted teeth

"I just came to talk." he said before shrugging

"Yo, what do we have to talk about man?" I asked confused

"Mark, I can't get over you man. I-I just want you back." he said before lowering his head

I started laughing loudly and obnoxiously, to the point where tears were coming out of my eyes.

"You are so funny man." I said after taking a few breaths

"It's not funny Mark." he said with frustration

"Nah, it is. You coming here, and talking to me about this crap like I'm suppose to just be ok with it and run back into your arms." I snapped

"Mark ple-"

"Get off my door steps." I said before trying to close the door only for his foot to stop the door from closing

"Yo, lea-"

He pushed the door open causing me to stumble back, walked into my house, then pulling me towards him by the collar of my shirt and kissed me. I tried to push him away but he wouldn't let go of me, then he started rubbing the front of my pants.

"Get off me." I mumbled angrily seeing that he wouldn't let me go

He squeezed my dick causing me to slightly gasp, then he puts his tongue in my mouth. I started to feel weak, and getting familiar feelings that I felt when we were together.

I have to stop this...but I can't help this feeling.

We were so caught up in kissing and groping eachother, that we didn't even hear a car pull up or footsteps.

"Mark!" I heard someone yell

Dave and I instantly pulled away from eachother, and turned around to see Ema...and Dwayne standing by the door.

Oh shit!

Ema didn't speak or cry, she just shook her head and walked out.

I think, she's officially done with me.

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