21-Meet Again

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It's been a two weeks since the college fair trip, and to be honest I kind off regret not giving Mark my number. However, if it's destined then we'll see eachother again..hopefully.

Winter break and Christmas is approaching, and I thought that my parents would be home but..


I'll be celebrating all by my self again. I thought I would've celebrated with Dwayne this year but..

Negative again.

Speaking of Dwayne, him and I aren't friends or anything. But the day after the trip, he approached me and suggested that we at least be cordial to eachother. He knows not to even try to go down that route with me again.

I guess it wasn't meant to be.


I'm currently in Wal-Mart buying a few things that I need. While I was in the hair product section, I thought I heard someone say my name.

"Ema?" the person questioned

I turned around and it was..Mark.

"Hey." I said with a small smile

"Hi. How are you?" he asked with a sexy ass smirk

"I'm good Mark. How are you?" I asked

"Oh you remember my name huh? But I'm doing well beautiful." he said with grin as he looked at my whole body slowly

Not this again.

"Uh..what are you doing around here?" I asked changing the subject

"Oh, well I came to visit my grandmother. She always sending me out, to shop for her." he said before chuckling

"Aww. Aren't you a great grandson." I said in a baby voice

"Oh you got jokes?" he asked with smirk and raised eyebrow

I just shrugged and turned around.

"You remember what you told me, at the school?" he asked behind me

"Uh...nope." I said with a smirk

"Well, I recall you saying and I quote "If I see you again, then I'll give it to you." he said with a smile

"Oh. That." I said looking down

"So..uh..I'm waiting." He said with a smirk

I just shook my head while laughing.

"You have a paper or something?" I asked

"Here, just save it in my phone." I said giving me his phone

I put my number in and saved it under Ema.

"Great. And you better reply when I text you too." he said seriously

"Of course." I said with a smile

"Well, I'm gonna head out. Have a good day and I'll hit you up later." he said

"Alright. I'll be waiting." I said with a smirk

He smirked, turned around, and walked out of the section.


I couldn't take the smile off my face after he left. I'm honestly a little happy, that he has my number. Maybe just maybe, we'll be great friends.



Ashley and I were currently in Wal-Mart getting some random stuff, as I glanced around I saw Ema. I debated with my self on whether or not I should go talk to her, but I think that would be disrespectful to approach her with Ashley even though we're not together anymore.

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