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I'm new in this school. As soon as I entered the building girls were tryna come my way, and guys were tryna make me part of their crew. As unbelievable as it may sound, I'm a very quiet and personal person. I don't like people all up in my face or business. Anyways, the principal was walking with me to direct me to my first class.

We finally arrived, i was introduced to the teacher than was instructed to sit in any seat that was available. As I looked around, I notice an empty seat next to a girl that was in a corner all alone. I chose to sit next to her, even though many girls in the class was telling me to sit next to them.

Now, even though I'm not much of a talker I like to start conversation. So, I decided to start a conversation with the girl.

"Hi. I'm Dwayne." i said breaking the silence

She just slowly looked at, didn't say anything and she put her head back down. I didn't understand her gesture, so I kept attempted to get her to talk to me. When, I noticed that she wasn't gonna say anything I gave up.

I focused on the teacher for the rest of the class, but my mind kept wandering to this girl. I don't understand, why she doesn't want to talk to me.

What she doesn't know is that, I am very good at reading people. She must be the girl that gets bullied because of her certain appearance..which I think is beautiful by the way. People may have never tried to talk to or become friends with her, so when a person does try to be friends with her..she thinks they're playing with her.

Yup. That must be it. Now I don't want or need a girlfriend now, however I wouldn't mind having a female friend.


The bell finally ringed. The girl immediately picked up her stuff and left the classroom. I left a little right after her.

As she was walking in the hallway, I just couldn't help but look at her. She may be a "big girl", but she's very beautiful to me. Ever since I was really young, I seemed to have some sort of a fetish for bigger girls because I like to have something to squeeze. Especially...when I'm having sex, which hasn't happened in a while.

As I was watching her, a bunch of girls were just staring and admiring me with lust in their eyes. However, I wasn't interested at all.

I finally arrived to my second class, which is music class. I noticed the girl sitting in a corner, so I decided to sit next to her.

Again, I tried to start a conversation with her but she just shut me out.

"Sorry, but I don't need any friends. Enjoy the rest of your day." she said smartly before turning her attention back to the teacher

I was very taken back by her outburst. I don't know who hurt her, but I definitely don't think that this attitude is healthy for her both mentally and physically.

I decided to just leave her alone. However, I'm willing to speak to her again.


Class finally ended and again she instantly picked up her stuff to leave, but I gently grabbed her arm.

"Why are you always in a rush?" i softly asked

"Um..can you please let go of my arm?" she asked looking every where but my eyes

"Why are you so mean beautiful?" I softly asked with curiosity

"W-Why are you talking to me?" she asked looking at the ground

I gently lifted her chin up with my index finger

"Look at me." i said

She hesitantly looked at me. Then, we just stared into each others eyes for a minute.

The sound of the late bell, made us snap out of it.

"Oh my God, I'm late." she mumbled then took her stuff to leave

She jogged out of the room and into the hallway, to her next class. I didn't bother running, I could just tell the teacher that I'm new here and that I got lost.

I silently laughed as I watched her struggle with her books, and jogging in the hallway. She finally entered a class, and I followed. When, I looked at my schedule I noticed that I'm in the same class with her...again.

This should be fun.

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