10-The House

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Excited and happy, aren't even the words to explain how I feel right now. I didn't plan on asking Ema to be my girlfriend so early, but I realised that it was the best moment too.

I can already sense that it will take a while, to break down Ema's emotional wall. However, I promised that I wouldn't break her heart. So I'll try my best to polish it, as I hold it in my hands.

It's been a whole week, since we've made it official. It's going very well as far as communicating...privately. It makes me feel some type of way that, she kind off wants us to stay low key for a little while because I will proudly announce her as my girlfriend. However, I understand that this is new to her so I won't pressure her.


I'm currently sitting on my bed, finishing my Economics project that's due tomorrow. As I continued typing on my laptop, my phone buzzed. I glanced at it, and it was my baby.

My baby❤"Hey Dwayne."

"Hey baby. Wassup?"

My baby❤"Nothing much. I just finished my essay, and I thought I'd check on you."

"That's good. I'm currently writing the last paragraph before the conclusion. I'll call you in about 30 mins."

My baby❤"Alright hun."

I smiled and finished typing my essay.


I finally typing my essay, printed it, stapled it, and put it in my folder. Now I'm about to call Ema, before making something to eat. I called and she answered on the second ring.

"Hello." she said

"Hey you. What you doing?" I asked

"Just laying down, watching Martin episodes. You?" she asked

"Standing in the kitchen trying to decide what to make to eat." I said looking through the cabinets

"What are you in the mood for?" she asked

"I don't know babe. I'll settle for anything right now." i said

"Um...how about I make you something, and bring it to you?" she asked

"You wouldn't mind?" i asked

"No. Not at all boo. I'll be there in a little while. Send me the address to where you want me to meet you." she said

"Alright baby. I'll text you right now."

"Ok. Later." she said before hanging up

I instantly sent her my house address, after she hung up. I don't usually invite people to my house, but Ema is an exception. Hopefully, she cooks well.


I made rice and lima beans, with fried turkey wings and gravy for Dwayne. Since it was about 5pm, I just made a regular dinner meal for him.

After packing the food in containers and sealing them, I took a quick shower and put on a PINK sweatsuit, my pink and blue retro Jordon sneakers, my hair in a cute messy bun, and a little lip gloss with no make up.

I grabbed my phone, keys, and the food and walked out the house and to my car. I put the address he sent me in my GPS navigator, and drove to the destination.


After about 30 minutes, I arrived in front of a nice house. I stayed in the car and called Dwayne to tell him that I'm in front of his house.

"Where are you Em?" he asked

"I'm outside actually." i said

"Ok. I'm coming now." he said before hanging up

I took the food that was on the passenger's seat, and stood by my car door with it as I waited for Dwayne.

He finally opened the door, wearing a white t-shirt and grey sweats. He made something so casual look so sexy and attractive.


"Hi beautiful." he said with a smile as he approched me

"Hey. Um...here's the food." i said handing the bag to him

He looked at the bag ,then me before taking the bag, putting it on the front of the car, and pulled my towards him with his hand on my waist.

"Hi beautiful." he said lowly as he looked into my eyes

"H-Hi Dwayne." i said before looking elsewhere

He moved my face towards him with his index finger, and looked into my eyes...again.

"Why you always look away?" he asked with his hand softly gripping my chin

"I'm not used to looking people in the eye for long." i admitted

"Well....I want to see your beautiful eyes. So don't look away from me..okay?" he asked with his lips one centimeter away from my lips

"Yes." i whispered

He smirked before putting his lips on mines, and swirling his tongue on my bottom lip. I slightly opened my mouth, before he entered his tongue into my mouth.

"Mhmm" i softly moaned as our tongue massaged eachother

He instantly gripped my waist with one hand, as the other hand was massaging the back of my head with his fingers.

After a few more seconds, I pulled away to catch my breath and blushed mildly.

"Um...you should go eat your food before it gets too cold." i said pulling down my sweater

"Oh. I almost forgot." he said before chuckling and taking the bag off the front of the car

"Well, I should get going." I said

"Why?" he asked with a confused look and tone

"Well...I just came to give you your food baby." i said smiling

"No. You're going to come inside, and we're going to eat together." he said taking my hand into his

"No Dwayne. I'm just gonna go ho-" i was cut off

"Ema. Baby, just come inside and as soon as we're done eating, you can leave. At least stay to hear my opinion on the meal." he said before slightly laughing

"Um...are you sure?" I asked skeptically

"Yes. C'mon babe." he said walking hand and hand with me towards his house

"Ok then." i said finally giving in

Tonight shall be....interesting.

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