34- Counseling

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One month later


Am I not meant to be happy?

Why does everyone betray my trust?

Why does no one love me unconditionally?

I've been asking my self these questions, for the past month. After I caught Dave and Mark at his house, I've been very distant and always to my self. Of course Mark has been and still is, constantly calling and texting me bull crap about being sorry and etc. He's even showed up to my house, with so much gifts, flowers, and letters about his love for me- which he's left in my doorstep because I never open the door for him.

I don't care.

I've been doing better in school, since I don't have any more drama. Dwayne and I aren't friends or anything, but we're cordial. He confessed to me that, him and Dave used to be a "thing". I have no right to judge him, because I didn't judge Mark.

I think gay guys, are a thing now.

Prom and graduation isn't too far now, and I honestly can't wait to finally graduate and leave all this negativity behind.


I'm currently in my AP Bio class, that of course Dwayne is in.

"Hey Ema." Dwayne waved with a small smile

"Hi." I said lowly before returning my attention to my work

I don't want to be bothered.

"How you been?" he asked me

"Great. You?" I asked without looking at him

"Could've been better. How have you been, since the-situation?" he asked lowly

"I'm slowly healing from it. But, it's whatever at the end of the day." I said before shrugging

"You didn't deserve that." he mumbled angrily

"It's whatever Dwayne. Mark is finally happy, with the love of his life. So it's ok." I said before my voice started to crack up

"It's ok to feel broken and sad Em. I know he feels like shit, for what he's done to you. I've seen him sitting in the park, walking on the boardwalk, and etc looking like he's lost someone special- which is obviously you." he said

"Dwayne please. I've been doing great without him or anyone else, and I'll just continue to be the way I am until I can fully trust again." I said before shrugging

"Well, I can't disagree with that. But, you should get some type of closure with him atleast." he suggested

"What we saw at his house, was enough closure for me." I said

"Wow." he mumbled while he shook his head

"Dwayne can I ask you something?" I asked skeptically

"Sure." he said before giving me his full attention

"Am I not good enough? Because it's like, every one that I try to care for and love always wants to hurt-"

I couldn't help but to break down and cry. I instantly felt someone's wrap their arms around my shoulder.

"Stop crying Em." Dwayne whispered into my ear

"Is she ok?" the teacher asked Dwayne

"Yes. She's just going through some things right now." Dwayne said

"Well, take her to the guidance counselor." the teacher said

"Ok. Let's go Em." Dwayne said before standing up and pulling me up with him as he took both of our bags

We walked into the hallway, with my head down and his arm wrapped around my shoulder.

"Stop crying Ema." Dwayne whispered in my ear as we stood in front of the guidance counselor's door

"Ok." I mumbled as I tried to wipe my face only for more tears to fall down

Dwayne knocked on the door and we were told to come in. Dwayne opened the door and let me in first, before closing the door after he walked in.

"What's going on kids?" the counselor asked

"Uh...she needs to talk to you about something." Dwayne said

"Is that true Ema?" she asked me

I simply nodded my head slowly, without looking at anyone.

"Ok. Well have a seat." she said

"Ok. Well I'll go back to class." Dwayne said

"Thank you Dwayne." I said lowly with a small smile as I finally looked at him

He smiled and winked before walking out.

"So, start talking when you're ready honey." she said

Here goes nothing.



The only person that has been on my mind, for the past month. I know how it feels to be betrayed by a person I love, and here I go doing it to her- after I promised not to.

After Ema walked out I beat Dave's ass, kicked him out, and promised to kill him if he came near me again. I still don't know or understand how I let my self, fall into his trap again.

Now, I've lost one of the best and most important people in my life.

I've been trying to talk to her, but of course she's been ignoring me. Dwayne and I have become cordial, since he's seen me while I was in my thoughts about Ema while outdoors.

I finally understand, why Dwayne still loves and cares about her so much.

She's rare.

Even though Ema hasn't seen or spoke to me in a while, I still have strong hopes in us. I'll do anything she wants me to do, just to get back in her good graces.

That's my baby forever. So, I'll never give up on us.


I was currently studying for a exam, that I'll be taking in a few days. I was snapped out of my thoughts, when I heard a knock on the door.

I reluctantly stood up, and walked towards the door. I opened the door, and suddenly became confused and annoyed.

"Hey." she said with a smile

"Wassup Ashley." I said in a frustrated and confused tone

What the hell?

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