25- Creepin'

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One month later


I know Dwayne told me to leave the situation alone, but I just can't help but feel like it's not really over. I'm very possessive and territorial over people and things that I love and care about.

Ema lying to me makes me feel like she has a different intention, that I may not like so much. I never would've thought that Dwayne would've went...for her. I guess he wanted to try something new, but obviously didn't like it.

I know a few girls from Dwayne's school, that are keeping tabs on Dwayne and Ms.Ema for me. So far, I've heard that they're distant from eachother but I know it's all a front. I trust Dwayne, but I just don't trust him with her. I worked hard to get Dwayne, and there ain't no random or old girl that's gonna take him away from me.

If I can't have him, then no other female will.


It's now the middle of December, and everything has been going great. Mark and I are constantly talking, going on "dates', and I've met his grandparents. I'm so happy that they like me. Dwayne has finally left me alone..I think. However, I can't help but feel like something is off because It's like someone is waiting to attack me or something.

Ashley randomly called me one day, and starting talking about bull crap such as cheating boyfriends and crazy girlfriends.

Only if she knew.

Mark and I aren't dating, but we sort of claim eachother. He'll get upset if a guy looks or talks to me a certain way, and I'll get a little jealous if a girl looks at or talks to him a certain way. When we see eachother, we act like best friends...that may give eachother a little kiss here and there.

Mark is a very nice guy, however I still feel like there's just something that's a bit off to me or maybe I just haven't completely gotten over Dwayne yet.

Maybe it's just me.


"So what's new?" I asked Stephanie

"The same thing Ashley. Why are we doing this anyways?" She asked with frustration

"Because I need to make sure that nothing is going on between them while I'm not around. I've searched his phone, and he's constantly trying to talk to her...even though she never replies. So, I need to have proof or something before doing anything." I explained

"You lied to me. I can't believe I fell for it either. You're talking to me about your boyfriend, like we never happened or we're not still secretly seeing eachother." she said with tears forming in her eyes

Here she goes again.

"Stephanie, stop it. You should've known that I wasn't or am not gonna leave my boyfriend, for you." I said before shaking my head

"You know the crazy thing is, your fighting to keep a man that's still madly in love with his ex." she said with a devious smirk

"Excuse me?" I asked with a frown on my forehead

"Yes Ashley. Dwayne still loves her very much. I often catch him staring at her with some much love and lust, and he always tries to talk to her but she blows him away." she said with an innocent smile before shrugging

"Why didn't you tell me that before?" I asked through gritted teeth

"Why did you promise that we'd be together?!" She yelled while slamming her hand on the table

"Well that was obviously a waste of time." I mumbled

"You know what, go to hell! And I hope Dwayne finds out, what you're really about soon." she said slamming the chair in and walking away angry

I can't believe she really thought that I played her. Stephanie and I have been "messing around", for a month. I'm not a lesbian, but I definitely like to try new things. It was all a deal at first, but obviously she's caught feelings for me.

Oh well. I guess I just have to eat another pussy then. I am very determined to get what I want, and it WILL happen.


This month has been pure hell for me. Ashley is constantly asking me annoying questions, that I immediately ignore or decline them. My feelings for Ema, gets stronger and stronger every time I just glance at her. I'm so in love with her, that it's becoming so obvious and affecting my health.

The fact that I know that she may or may not, be dating Mitch or what ever the hell his name is, is really playing with my mind.

What does he have that I dont?

Is he better than me?

I often ask my self these questions, when I lay down and think about the time Ema and I shared together.

Only if I didn't lie to and play with her hurt.

Lately, I've been getting a weird vibe from Ashley. It's almost as if, she's going behind my back for something. And speaking of the devil, she's calling me now.

"Hello." I answered annoyed

"Hi babe. Wassup?" she asked

"I'm good. Wassup with you?" I asked skeptically

"Uh....nothing much. Just been handling some things." she said

What things?

"Ok then. Well I got some stuff to do, I'll hit you up later." I said

"Whatever Dwayne." She said with an attitude before hanging up

Why did I have to mess it up with Em?

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