3-The New Boy

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I'm currently in my Intro to trig class, which is my second class and it's filled with rude insults and etc...ofcourse. As everyone was working silently there was a knock on the door, and then the principle walked in the class room with someone. I didn't really pay attention until I heard all the girls whispering among their selves and whistling. I finally looked up, and saw the most cutest and sexiest boy ever. He was light skin, has those dreamy eyes, a beautiful bright smile and teeth, and a killer swag.

"Ms. Hilton, this is Dwayne Paul he is new here and he's a senior. So, this is his class right now." the principle said introducing the boy

"Hello Dwayne. Um...you may have a seat any where you'd like." she said gesturing to the empty seats

He smiled, and started looking around the room. You already know all the girls were trying to get his attention. However, he just smiled and kept looking. When, I saw his eyes look at mines I instantly put my head down because I already know he's probably gonna look at me like I'm disgusting or something.

As I ignored him and continued to do my work, I felt someone staring at me. I ignored it, thinking that one of the bullies were just randomly glaring at me again. When I finally lifted my head up, I saw the new boy sitting in the desk right next to me and staring at me intensely. I immediately put my head down again, and cursed under my breath.

"Hi. I'm Dwayne." I heard someone say

I hesitantly looked up and he was staring at me. I just ignored him, and put my head back down.

"Um..did I say something wrong?" I heard him ask me with a confused tone

I didn't move one muscle, I just continued doing my work. After a little while, he stopped talking and I felt him move his eyes away from me.

I'm not mean, I'm just very cautious. I'm already being ridiculously bullied for no reasons, I don't want people to have a reason to bully me now. Also, cute and sexy boys always tries to take advantage of girl that they THINK are weak. I may be weak, but I'll be damned if ANY male think that he's going to play me. I don't have to have experience with relationships, to know how these boys are. Their loud and obnoxious conversations alone, gives you an insight of how they think about females. Not Ema hunny!


The bell finally ringed, and I'm glad that I only have one more class left because I have a short schedule as a senior. As I was walking down the school hallway to Music class, I felt like someone was either following or staring at me. I ignored that feeling and just continued walking.

I finally arrived to music class, and I was the first one there surprisingly.

"Hi Ema. It's nice to see you again." the music teacher Mr. Hall said

"Likewise Mr. Hall." i said with a smile as I seached for a seat

I sat down in the last row, all the way in the back in the corner to avoid attention. As I was taking out my notebook and pen, students started entering the class. I also noticed that the new boy entered also, with a group of girls walking behind him being mesmerized by his presence.

I just ignored him as usual, and looked at the board.

"Ok. Goodmorning class, it's very nice to see all of you both old and new. For those, that don't know me my name is Mr. Hall, and I'll be your music teacher for this year. Now, I will pass out the syllabus.

As, Mr. Hall was passing the papers out, I felt someone staring at me again. When I looked in the direction of the stare, I saw the new boy staring at me. I didn't even realize he was sitting down next to me.

I instantly turned back around, and looked away from his intense stare. There's something weird about his eyes, it's almost as if he's...admiring a piece of art or something. I don't know what it is, but he needs to stop it.

"Hi." I heard him say

I didn't reply, I just continued doing my work.

"Why are you so mean?" he asked curiously

I just continued ignoring him. I'm not about to fall for anyone's games.

"Miss...can I atleast get your name?" I heard him ask

Okay, he becoming annoying. Like, I'm really about to change my seat. Anyways, I decided to finally respond to him.

"How may I help you?" I asked sternly

"I just wanted to be friendly miss." he said a bit taken back by my attitude

"Sorry, but I don't need any friends. Enjoy the rest of your day." I said before looking away from him and back to my notebook

I heard him exhale deeply, and turned his attention to the teacher. David or what ever his name is, can go somewhere else with his games.

Dwayne in MM

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