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Dwayne finally came back from the bathroom after a little while. While he was in the bathroom, I had some time to process everything he said to me. I've come to the realization, that he's very right. My self esteem and confidence is below zero, simply because of what society says or thinks.

I'm definitely trying to become a better me, for the simple fact that no one may not love me if I don't even love my self. I'm certain that with Dwanye's encouraging word, that I'll get to that point in day.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked

"To be honest, I'm thinking about everything you've told me. It's very hard to be confident and etc, when every where I go people of both genders, all races and ages has something to say about my skin complexion or weight." i said before looking down

I fought back against tears that threatened to fall. Then, I felt Dwayne's index finger lift my face back up.

"Ema, you are a very beautiful girl...well to me. You can't let what everyone...well most people say make you bring yourself down. I may be young, but I've come to the realization that society will judge a person for any little thing. Girls that are thick with a big ass and titties are assumed to be fake, girls that are skinny are assumed to be sick and malnourished, and girls that are big are assumed to be disgusting and obese. But baby girl, you can't let what they say about you make you hate yourself." he said looking into my eyes

"I understand what you're saying Dwayne. But, you'll never fully understand until you've bee thro-" i was cut off

"Don't tell me I don't understand, because you don't know all the bull crap I've been through. I was bullied to the point where I wanted to kill my self. The reason why I didn't is because, I felt like God didn't create me for no reason. I believe everyone that has life and breath, is alive for a reason. And I think I'm starting to realize my purpose for living." he said softly grabbing me hand and rubbing his thumb over my hand

"Dwayne...please." I said lowly

"I'm serious Ema. I know that we've only known each other for about 2-3 days, but I can't help my feelings towards you. I'm definitely not gonna pressure or force you to do anything you don't want too, but just know that even though we're not together...yet that I gotchu. And I mean that." he said lightly squeezing my hand and looking into my eyes

"But....why me?" I asked wiping my eyes

"Because I really like you. I'm not one of those guys that front on who they want, because they care what other people think. At the end if the day, it's my heart that's involved. And that's something I don't allow anyone to play with. Since the first day my eyes saw you, my heart has been beating for you. I get nervous everytime I see you. Even though you were a tough shell to crack, I'm glad that I was persistent." he said looking into my eyes

At this point, my tears were running non stop. Never, have I thought that any man would feel this way about me. It's very overwhelming, but it feels so good to know that someone wants me.

"So, what does this mean Dwayne?" I asked looking into his eyes

"I already know what it mean. Now, the choice is in your hands. Whatever the choice may be, just know that I'll be here regardless." he said before shrugging

This is a VERY hard decision to make. But, I have to do what makes Ema happy for once and stop doubting.

"Dwayne just like you don't know your heart to be played with, I don't want mines played with either." i started while looking into his eyes

"I promise, to cherish it and handle it as if it's a very important fragile glass that I have to carry every where with me....in order to live." he said before placing a gentle and tender kiss on the palm of my hand

"I'm willing to be with you. But all I ask is that you're patient with me. And....that you promise to carefully carry my heart in your hands. I promise to do the same." i said while looking into his eyes

His eyes became glossy, as he gentle grabbed my chin bringing it to his lips.

"I promise." he said before giving a tender and passionate kiss on the lips before letting my face go and sitting back down

We just stared into each others eyes after that kiss, before Dwayne decided to speak

"So, Ema will you do me the honor and pleasure of being my girlfriend?" he asked while holding my hands and looking into my eyes

I thought about it for a second, and went along with my mind and heart.

"Yes Dwayne. It'll be my honor and pleasure to be girlfriend." I said with a bright smile

He mirrored my smile and got up, came over to me, and bent down to kissed me.

"I promise." he said before kissing me again

"I promise too." I said against his lips with a smile

I have a boy fri- man now!

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