15-If we're meant to be

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After the conversation with Ema, I honestly feel like more stress has come upon me. Ema and I haven't even been dating for a month yet, and all this bull crap is happening.

My pride mixed with her pride...will not be a good mix. As I was laying down thinking, my phone vibrated and it was...Ema.

Wonder what's this about.

My baby❤: "We need to talk."

That one small sentence made me become numb and very tense. I hate this feeling of nervousness, that something bad will be said or done. However, I'll just take it like a man...as always.

"Wassup?" I texted back

My baby❤: "Facetime?"

"Okay." I simply replied

After about 10 minutes I received a Facetime call from Ema, and I just took a deep breath before answering.

"Wassup?" I said

"Dwayne...I have to talk to you about something." she said a bit nervously

"What is it?" I said nonchalantly

"Well, to be honest I'm very frustrated with the attitude. I didn't do anything to you, but yet you choose to take your anger out on me." she said

"Look Ema, I am going through alot of stuff. I don't need you to add to any of my stress. Just get to the point." I said before shrugging

She just stared at me as if I was crazy, before clearing her throat.

"You know what Dwayne. I was laying here trying to analyze all of this. And, personally I think it's the absolute right choice to for us to break up. Since, I'm some sort of a burden to you. Let me leave you the fuck alone." she said before hanging up

"Ahhhh!" I yelled as threw my phone to the wall before putting my face inside my hands

I honestly didn't think she would want us to break up. However, maybe that's what both of us need at the moment. I don't love Ema, but I feel deeply for her already.

This is too much.


After I hang up on Dwayne last night, I've just been so down...as usual. I didn't want to exactly break up, but he was acting like he didn't care for what I had to say.

How am I supposed to be a loving and caring girlfriend, if my "boyfriend" won't tell me what's wrong with him. Maybe I did make the right choice. I don't love Dwayne, but I feel deeply for him already.

I'm currently sitting in my second class of the day, and my mind is honestly not on the work or anything. Dwayne finally came today, but of course him and I are not on speaking terms. In my case, or looking terms either. However, I can sometime feel him looking or staring at me but I just ignore it.

I'm not about to play games with him, and I won't allow him to play games with me. I still care about him and feel the same way as before, but I just don't think we should be together...for now.

We never really gave eachother any space, since we've made it official. Maybe...this will make both of us realize some things.

Now in walks the "bully" crew aka Stephanie and her clique. And they all decided to sit around Dwayne. He doesn't look interested, from what i can tell.

But, he's not my man anymore. So, I don't care..I think.

"So...Dwayne, are you in a relationship?" I heard Stephanie ask

"Not at the moment. No." he replied


"Oh...well would it be too much if we go out to eat after school?" she asked

"You asking me on a date?" I can hear the smirk in his voice

"Whatever you want to call it. I consider it a chance, to get to know one another." she said

"Well, if you put it like then...sure I'll go with you after school." he said

"Great! I can't wait." she said with excitement

"Stephanie keep it down." our teacher said

"Sorry Mrs. Randall." Stephanie said

Most girl would definitely feel bad or something, but as a very mature young woman I'm taking this very well. Let's not forget..

I broke up with him.

So even if I want to be upset, I'm not going to allow my self to be. Also, I'm not worried about Stephanie because he'll find out what she's about soon enough.

We shall see.


School has been so awkward because Ema and I haven't spoken all day. I would just look at her, because even if it hasn't been a whole day yet..

I miss my baby.

But maybe, we need this space from each other to reevaluate a few things in our selves and lives. As I was sitting down just daydreaming, I notice Stephanie and her friends sitting around me.


"So..Dwayne, are you in a relationship?

Am I?...No.

"Not at the moment. No." I replied honestly

"Oh...well would it be too much if we go eat after school?" she said

Lawd kill me now.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" i asked skeptically with a smirk

"Whatever you want to call it. I consider it a chance to get to know one another." she replied with a smile

I just stared at her a minutes, before shrugging and accepting her offer.

"Great! I can't wait." she said with excitement


All I know is while I'm on this "date", I'll just be thinking about my baby.

If we're truly meant to be, we'll be together again..for the long-term.

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