35- Evil Plan

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After speaking to the guidance counselor, I honestly felt so much better than before. She gave me some advice, on how to get over my broken heart- completely and I will definitely follow.

It was time for me to go home, by the time I left her office since I had a short schedule today, so I went straight home. After eating some left over food, from last night I instantly fell asleep with a open mind and a smile on my face.


As I was watching TV while laying down, I heard the door bell ring. I was very skeptical as to who it was because I didn't invite anyone over, nor did anyone just randomly come to my house.

I walked downstairs slowly, careful not to make any noise incase I didn't want the person to know that I was home. I looked into the peep hole, and saw a woman.

Who the hell?

I reluctantly opened the door, and I was completely surprised.

"Mommy!" I yelled as I gave her a big hug

"Hey baby." she said as she also hugged me tightly

We finally let eachother go, and I didn't realize that she had someone with her until I looked up. And I was completely confused and angry.

"Uh...mom who is this?" I asked skeptically

She grabbed his hand, and pulled him closer to her.

"Um..honey this is my boyfriend. Dave."

What the hell?!


Why the hell is Ashley here? And how does she know where I live?

"Can I help you?" I asked skeptically as she stood outside the door

"Uh..I just wanted to talk to you. About Ema." she said hesitantly


"What about Ema?" I asked in a confused tone

"May I come in?" she asked with a bit of attitude

"Nah. Now what's wrong with Ema?" I asked getting straight to the point

"Well, I just wanted to tell you that Dave is trying to do absolutely everything and anything to get Ema out of the picture. Just to get you back." she said

"Damn it!" I yelled as I punched the wall

"Shit!" I hissed when I noticed that I cut my hand

"You ok?" she asked with a worried look

"Yeah. Um...how do you know that?" I asked as I held my hand tightly

"He came over after you beat him all upset. Then, he started to confess of the ways that he's gonna get Ema out of the picture. And get you back." she said before shrugging

"Do you have anything to do with this?" I asked skeptically

"No. I see that he's very dangerous now. So, I'm just gonna be staying in my lane from now on." she said after exhaling deeply

"Well, thanks for letting me know. Good day." I said

She nodded then walked out.

Why can't he leave me alone?!


I'm man enough to admit, how I got Ema's attention was wrong but I just needed it. I have always and will always love Ema- deeply. I never realized her value and worth until I let her slip away, and that was one of the dumbest decision I've ever made.

Seeing her cry over what Mark did, made me remember how I hurt her in the past. She may have acted like she wasn't hurt, but deep down I know she was. I love her enough to want her to be happy, and have joy in her life- even though it's not with me.

Now on the other hand, Ashley is the most trifling girl ever. I guess this is Karma, for messing around while I was with Ema. Ashley may never tell me about her "secret life", but I know all about it just by observing her behavior.

Sneaking to answer calls.

Constant canceled dates.

Coming home late.

And so much more bull crap that she's been doing. I've even caught her a few times, but I waiting until the right time to "surprise" her.

I think her birthday, would be a GREAT day to give her the surprise.

I'm trying to change to be honest. But, I won't change for someone that's not worth it.



I thought, when I saw Ema open the door. I've been dating her mother for about a year now. Ms. Ema thought mommy was in on business trip, but instead mommy was getting this dick in all kinds of positions, all kinds of places, EVERYDAY.

I had no idea that Sharron was Ema's mother, and I would've never guessed it. Sharron is a very beautiful and sexy woman, so I would've never thought her daughter would look like- that. I thought her daughter would be as sexy as her, so I can have fun with both of them.

I guess that's ruined now.

Anyways, this just makes my plan to eliminate Ema so much easier. I don't know what the hell Mark or Dwayne, see in this nasty looking girl.

I guess she's not my type.

All I know is that, I will be getting Mark back one way or the other. The only way I'll get him back, is if he knows that Ema will never come back to him and they won't get a chance to rekindle anything.

Watch your back...soon to be daughter in law!

Ema's mother ( Sharron) in MM.

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