7-New Friend

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Have you ever heard the world is yours?

On a blimp..

Jeremih's voice woke me up, so I can get ready for another day of "school". I slept pretty well last night with..Dwayne on my mind.

It may sound crazy...but homie is very sexy. However, that's what scares me. The fact that he's so attractive, yet he wants my attention so bad.

After doing my daily hygiene routine, and getting dressed. I locked my house door and walked to my car. As I was about to start the car, my phone suddenly vibrated.

It was Dwayne.

Dwaynetheman: "Good morning beautiful. I hope you don't act like a stranger in school today."

"Good morning Dwayne. And...of course not. See you at school☺."

I sent before putting my phone on my bag, that was in the passenger's seat. I really hope today is a good day, because it's only the beginning of the year. So, I don't want or need any drama.

After about 15 minutes, I finally arrived to the school parking lot. I gathered my stuff before getting out my car. I locked my car, and proceeded to walk to the school building.

As I was walking to my first period class, I felt someone staring at me. But, I decided to just ignore it. Then, I heard some foot steps very close to me.

...And just like that I was pushed to the ground and all of my stuff fell out of my arms.

I slowly turned around only to see...Stephanie and her "clique".

They all looked at me with a smirk on their faces, and everyone just stood there in a circle staring at us.

"Good morning....ugly." Stephanie said

I just stared at her, with pure hate and venom.

"You're such a pussy. You're just laying there and not trying to do anything for your self you FAT BLACK BITCH!" she yelled before spitting in my face

No she didnt!

Without thinking...I tripped her with my foot causing her to fall. Then, I got on top of her and started punching her with so much force.

It's like I was punching her for all those times she hurt my feelings, bullied and tormented me.

As I was punching her, I felt strong hands grabbed me off of her and carried me outside.

"Let me go!" i yelled

The person ignored me and took my to my car. The person finally put me down, and I turned around to see...Dwayne.

"What is wrong with you?!" he yelled

"Don't yell at me. She pushed my down and spit in me, and I've had enough!" i yelled back

"So fighting is the solution?" he asked calmly

"If someone did that to you, you wouldn't think twice before beating their ass. So please stop." i said before crossing my arms across me chest

He was silent while he just stared at me.

"What?" I said with a attitude

He didn't say anything, he gently pushed my to the car door before pressing his self on me.

"W- What are you doing?" i stuttered while looking into his eyes

"I'm getting tired of your attitude." he said before licking his lips slowly

Major turn on

"I'm sorry. It's just I've bee-" i was cut off by Dwayne kissing me

The kiss was so...mind blowing ans passionate. He grabbed the back of my neck as he continued to suck on my bottom lip. He tried to open my mouth with his tongue, but I didn't want too. He smacked and gripped my ass causing me to gasp before he entered his tongue inside me mouth.

He deeply groaned as our tongues carresed eachother. We kept kissing like that, before he slightly sucked my bottom lip before fully pulling away.

He pulled away with a smirk and just stared at me.

Speechless and horny is an understatement right now.

"You were saying?" he asked with a smirk

I deeply blushed

"N-Nothing. What was that for?" i asked curiously

"I simply couldn't help it. I've been wanting to do that. I've drempt about it and everything. Look, I know that you know that I like you. We don't have to date or anything...yet. However, I would like to atleast be good friends and get to know you more." he said looking into my eyes

"O-Okay." I said in a daze as I looked into his eyes and saw...sincerity

"Great. Friends?" he said pulling his hand out for a handshake

"Friends." i said with a smile before shaking his hand

He smiled before putting his arms around my shoulders and walked us back to the school building.

This "friendship" shall be interesting.

Stephanie in MM

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