27- Official

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As Mark and I was making out, my mind just went straight to cloud 9, and I didn't want to come back.

If I don't stop him now, only God knows what can happen.

"M-Mark..stop." I said in between kisses

He ignored my request as he started to sloppily kiss my neck, collar bone, and the top of my exposed breast.

"N-No Mark..please." I said breathlessly

He stopped and looked at me for a minute, then gave me a kiss on my forehead, and sat up on the bed without saying anything.

"Mark." I called

"Wassup?" he asked finally looking at me

"I'm...sorry." I said lowly as I sat up on the bed also

"Why Em?" he asked in a confused tone

"Because..I didn't want to lead you on. And when I told you to stop, you seemed a bit upset." I confessed

"I'm good babe. I apologize for not stopping when you said so, I guess I just got caught up in the moment. It's been a while since I've done...that." he said with a smirk

"Why haven't you done...that?" I asked skeptically

"Well..I'm waiting for you." he said gazing into my eyes as he bit his bottom lip


"Boy you better stop." I said chuckling nervously

"Yeah whatever." he said with a smirk as he looked away

"Anyways...let's watch a movie now." I said changing the subject

We shared the bowl or popcorn and candy, and we watched "Think like a man 2" and enjoyed the company of each other.


Mark layed his head on my lap, and focused on his phone more rather than the movie, and I'm definitely wondering what's so interesting in his phone.

"Mark!" I yelled snapping him out of his focus on his phone

"Wassup?" he said without looking at me

"What are you doing? Watch the movie." I whined

He looked at me with a smirk, before giving me his phone and I gasped loudly at what I saw...me. It was a picture of me in only my underwear and no top on, with my back facing the camera.

"Oh my God. You still have that picture you pervert?" I asked with a smirk

"Of course. I'm still happy that I got to capture that moment." he said with a goofy smile

"You're the one that just came in the room, without knocking knowing damn well that I was getting dressed." I said folding my arms over my chest

"I came into my room to check on you. And for your information, I thought you were done." he said shrugging

"Whatever." I said with a smile

When I looked at him I saw him already staring at me with such...love, lust, and admiration. It started to creep me out.

"What Mark?" I asked whining

"Your beautiful." he said massaging the back of my hand with his thumb as he stared into my eyes

"Thank you handsome." I said with a smile

"Em...babe I don't know how long I could keep doing this." he said looking at his hand that was massaging mine

"Doing what?" I asked in a confused tone

"This friend thing Ema. Like, my feelings for you are constantly growing more and more babe. I just really want you to be mine already." he said before kissing the back of my hand repeatedly

"Well, to be honest with you I really like you too Mark and I'm tired of fighting it. However, I don't want to finally let my guard down and that's when you decide that you don't want me any more or something." I confessed

"I would never be this persistent and patient, if I didn't really want you. We've been friends for a little while now, so I got to know a bit about you. However, I want you to be mine so I can know all of you." he said

"You serious about this Mark, because I can't ge-"

He cut me off by giving me a lingering peck on my lips, and repeatedly pecked my lips before pulling away.

"Does that answer your question?" he asked looking into my eyes as he held my chin

"Does it?" I whispered

He pecked my lips softly, then nodded.

"So...Ema will you be my girlfriend?" he asked as he looked into my eyes and massaged the back of my neck

"Will you be my man?" I asked looking into his eyes

"Of course." he said with a smile before pecking my lips over and over again as we laughed while kissing

It's official.


Annoyed and aggravated aren't even the words to describe how I feel in this "relationship". Ashley has been really getting on my nerves, and she's been acting so damn sneaky lately.

Two days ago, I caught her staring at me when I woke up from my nap.

Almost got knocked the hell out.

Also, she's always whispering while she talks on the phone, moves away from me when her phone rings, always asking to use my phone constantly, and so many other bull crap.

Whatever or whoever it is, she better confess about it before I find out.


Ashley thinks that I'm gonna just allow her to use me then leave?!


I didn't mean to fall for Ashley knowing it was just a deal or whatever, but something about her just really intrigued me.

Maybe it's her tongue..or powerful stoke game.

She just doesn't know that I'm not that girl to "play" with, and she definitely will pay for leaving me high and dry thinking that she can just go back to her relation as I fall more in love with her.

"Hey Dwayne." I yelled as I saw him sitting at a McDonald's table by his self while I was on line

How ironic. Let the game's begin.

Watch you back Ashley.

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