37- Intentions

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Two weeks later

Shannon ( Ema's mother)

Why can't my daughter just be happy for me?

I've been asking my self this question, even since my daughter has been trying to talk me into breaking up with Dave. I understand that she may be upset, that I didn't come back with her father. However, momma will not die alone. I never thought that I would fall for a younger man, but Dave is just...wonderful.

Ema's father and I were on a trip together, and that's where we both met the love of our lives. Ema's father was already cheating on me with a woman that I know very well.

My sister.

Our marriage has been over for a very long time, but we acted like a married couple for the sake of Ema. Well now that Ema is old enough, I've figured that she'll understand perfectly. However, instead of encouraging me to move on to something better she's literally forcing me to settle.

Hell no!

It's been a long time coming, where I've allowed my happiness to be limited for the sake of every one else. But now I'm taking control of my life, and I won't change anything for no one.

Ema will just have to deal with it.

I was off today from work since it was the weekend, and I just wanted to have some very needed rest.

"Baby.." I heard Dave mumble against my neck as I slept side ways in our bed

"Yes?" I asked in a sleep filled voice

"Wake up." he whined lowly as he began to softly suck on my neck

"D-Dave stop babe. I'm sore." I whined as he started to move my underwear to the side so he can feel me

"I know you feel him babe." he said huskily

Lawd have mercy!

"C'mon sexy." he whispered in my ear

I turned around to lay on my back, and allowed my man to have me.


After having a few rounds with bae, I went to check on Ema since I haven't really seen or spoken to her this whole day.

"Ema." I said while knocking on her door

"Come in mom." I heard her say

I opened her bedroom door and saw her laying down on her back, while she had a book in her hands.

"Hey honey." I said with a small smile

"Hey." she said softly

"Ema, you can always talk to me about anything. I will always love you the same, married or not to your father. Our love for you will always remain." I admitted randomly

"I know mom. I hope your happy." she said without looking at me

"Why don't you like him?" I asked knowing why she was giving me the cold shoulder

"Ma, we always watch movies of how younger men take advantage of older women. So, I guess I just don't want you to get hurt or played." she said before shrugging

"I'm very happy that you have my back baby. But, you gotta let momma, experience this one on her own honey." I said

"Well, I just hope there's no bad intentions." she said never looking at me

"I'm sure of it hun. I love him, and he loves me. So, the only intention that he should have is to keep me happy." I said with a smile

"Hope so." she mumbled


"Hope so." I mumbled at my moms little "speech"

I can honestly already sense that if my mother we're to choose between Dave and I, that Dave would definitely win. She's so in love with him, that she doesn't think anything can go wrong.

Only if she knew.

"Alright Em. I'm gonna go back to my room baby, call me if you need me." my mom said standing up from the chair

"Ok." I said before she kissed my forehead and walked out

It's been an hour since my mom left my room, so I continued to read 50 shades of gray. I heard a few knocks on my door- again.

"Yes?" I asked in frustration

The door opened, and I immediately sat up with a scowl in my face.

"Can I help you?" I asked in a confused tone

"Look, you don't like me and I don't like you. But, don't you dare try to ruin what your mother and I have. If you do, you will regret it forever." he said sternly

I chuckled loudly as I clapped my hands.

"What the hell is funny?" he asked through gritted teeth

"You. You're a really funny person actually. You come in my house, pretending like you came for my mother, but deep down you're still mad that I may have something- oops someone that you want." I said with a smirk on my face as I was now standing infront of him

I ain't no punk.

"Listen you ugly and fat ass bitch, I want nothing that you think you have. I can always have that person back- both of them actually if I wanted them. I'm gonna make mommy forget all about your ugly ass, after I give her something that you wished that you could have." he said with a smirk

He's so hilarious.

"Trust I know my mother, would fall for a weak ass like you. She's at a vulnerable place in her life, and you feel like it's time to be "captain save a wife" huh? All I'm gonna say, is you better stay the hell out of my way." I said sternly as I pointed my index finger to his face

"Fuck you." he said before walking away

"You wish bitch." I said with a smile as I waved at him

He looked at me with a glare, before walking out my room and slamming the door.



I hate her so much!

My mission was to eliminate Ema from Mark, but now it's to eliminate her from this house. Everything that I ask Shannon to do, she immediately goes and does it as if she we're a robot.

My good doggy.

I applaud Ema for stepping up to me, I didn't think she had it in her. Seeing her talk to me with so much aggression, made me feel some type of way.

Hell no, I better not be getting hard from thinking about this ugly fat girl.

She'll never be my type!

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