28- Christmas Party

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I decided to come to have lunch at McDonald's alone, just to clear my mind from all the bull crap that's been going on. As I was eating my Big Mac, I heard someone yell my name.

"Hey Dwayne." I heard someone yell

When I looked up I saw Stephanie waving at me with smile, I wave nonchalantly with a slight smile.

I really don't want to be bothered today.

I continued to eat my food, then suddenly I felt a light tap on my shoulder. When I turned around, I saw Stephanie standing there with a smile with a tray in her hand.

"Do you mind if I sit with you?" she asked


"No. Make your self comfortable." I said mentally rolling my eyes

"So..how are you?" she said as she started eating her fries

"I'm good. You?" I asked

"Could've been better, but good nonetheless." she said before shrugging

"Great." I said looking around

"Can I ask you for some advice Dwayne?" she asked randomly

"Uh...sure." I said before shrugging

"What would you do, if you fell in love with a person you weren't suppose to fall for?" she asked

"What do you mean "weren't suppose to fall for"?" I asked with an arched eyebrow

"Well...this person is in a relationship. However, the person and I we're just being..adventurous. But, they didn't respond well when I confessed my feelings." she said looking down

"Well, you shouldn't have been doing anything with this person knowing that they were in a relationship. However, your human so your bound to feel some type of way no matter what it was from the beginning." I explained

"I know, but it's like I meant absolutely nothing to them when I confessed my feelings. I don't know how to handle it." she said

"Well if this person doesn't care about you, you shouldn't care about them either. Just let them go, because they didn't deserve you." I said

"You're right. Hopefully, I'll get over it soon." she said with a small smile

"Stop being sad. You're a very beautiful girl, but you just involve your self with the wrong people. Trust me I know." I mumbled the last sentence

"What do you mean?" she asked with her eyebrows furrowed

"Well I hurt someone that was very special to me, for someone that I thought was better. However, I was very wrong." I confessed

"Why don't you just break up then?" she asked in a "duh" tone

"It's not that simple. She's the type to go crazy, if I were to even think about that. She's extremely possessive over me." I groaned with frustration

"Well, you should find your way out because you may never know what she's capable off." she said

"You're right." I mumbled

"You are too fine to be having "girlfriend problems". " she said with a smirk

"Girl stop." I said slightly smiling

"Just being honest." she said before shrugging

"Yeah ok." I said with a smirk

She giggled and continued eating her food.

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