30- The talk

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Two weeks later


Ever since Ema and I left the party, things have been awkward between us. Ema won't really look at or talk to me, because of the distance that we've created from each other.

It hurts me, because I know I'm not being completely honest with her. However, I'm still trying to figure out what's the best way to tell your girlfriend that you were gay, and that she's already met my ex...boyfriend. Although I'm scared of how she may react, I know that it's the right thing to do.

"What Mark?" Ema asked the phone in a annoyed and frustrated tone

"Don't be like that babe. I've just been having alot on my mind lately." I confessed

"Whatever. Look I have to go, I'm handling something right now." she said

"Babe you're always trying to get off the phone when we're talking. Stop doing that." I said sternly

"Bye." she said before hanging up
"Damn!" I yelled as my face was in both of my hands

The thought of losing her is already driving me crazy, just by the way she's speaking to me. I really like Ema, hell I think I already love her.

I can't and I won't loose her.


"What?!" I yelled as I opened the door for Mark

"Can I come in?" he asked as he looked into my eyes

"Why?" I asked as I crossed my arms across my chest

"Baby please. I just want to have a serious conversation with you." he pleaded as he looked down

I simply opened the door more and moved to the side, to allow him to enter. After I closed the door, I grabbed his hand and we walked towards my living room sofa and sat down.

"What's up?" I asked crossing my arms across my chest

"Ema listen, I've been doing alot of thinking lately. I've just realized just how important you are to me, and it will really hurt me if you decide to break up with me...ever." he explained

"Mark, stop going around the bush. Just tell me." I said before shrugging

"Well...I wasn't completely honest with you about something. You see, in the past I've made some very bad choices and mistakes. Even though I've left them in the past, it seems to me that they're trying to get back into my life." he said before looking down and taking a deep breath

I picked his head up, with my index finger so he can look at me.

"Continue." I said softly

"Well in the past, I used to be uh...uh..gay." he mumbled the last word

"Excuse me?" I asked with an arched eyebrow

"I used to be gay. The person that broke my heart in the past...was a man." he confessed

I looked away from him and stayed silent for a little while, as I stared at nothing in particular.

"Are you still gay?" I asked out randomly

"I haven't felt anyway towards men, in a long time. After...he hurt me, I haven't been attracted to them anymore." he admitted

"So if your ex were to come and sweet talk you and etc, you wouldn't fall into his arms again?" I asked skeptically

"Uh...to be honest I don't know. But, I do know that I would never hurt intentionally." He said nervously

"Um...Mark I think you should go." I said softly as I looked at him

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