20-College Fair Trip

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One month later


It's been one month since, Dwayne and I have broken up and we've both simply stayed out of each others way. I'm happy he's not pestering me or anything, because it makes it easier for me to get over him completely.

Today, all the 12th graders and some 11th graders, are going on a college fair trip just to get an insight of the college life and etc. I definitely will be sitting by my self today, and listening to my music and not pay attention to anyone- as I've been doing.

Everyone that is attending the trip is currently standing in front of the school building, while the trip coordinator is taking attendance.

"Ema Jean Pierre." I heard him call

"Here." I said

Then I heard slight laughing, so I turned around and it was Hoephanie and her clique.



Everyone's name was finally done being called, so we all walked up the bus to find a seat. I immediately went to the seat in the front and by the corner, because I know that all the annoying people are either in the middle or the back of the bus. After I sat down, I turned on my Pandora app and put in my head phones, then ignored everything and everyone around me.

I felt someone sit next to me, I didn't even bother looking because I just didn't want to be annoyed. Then, after a few minutes I fell asleep.


I woke up by someone tapping my shoulder, I opened my eyes and saw the trip coordinator motioning me to wake up. I sat up and took my wipes and makeup out my bag, and quickly fixed my hair, clothes, and sprayed some on my VS body spray. Then, took out my head phones.

After all instructions were given, everybody exited the bus. We all formed a line and walked towards the Plaza College entrance doors. Everyone that came through the door were given a small booklet, that basically shows and explains what goes on in the school.

We had a male and female tour guider showing us the different types of class rooms, lunch area and restaurants, the stores and etc.


After the tour, we all entered a big classroom and were told to take a seat anywhere. When we all found a seat, a young man entered the class.

Good God, he's fine.

As soon as he entered the class, all the little thirsties were already in search of his attention. I didn't know that I like papi chulos too...until now.

He just stood there with a sexy smile, as the tour guider and other staff members talked.

"Everyone this is one of our current students, Mark Rodriguez. He will be speaking to y'all about his experience at Plaza College so far.

We all clapped and waited for him to speak.

"Hello. Um..I'm a freshman here at Plaza College. In the beginning, I was scared and overwhelmed basically because I felt so much pressure- from within. However, being here has helped me because everyone of the stuff members try their best to help me. So, it's been great so far and a nice experience." he said before smiling


"So ladies and gentlemen, those were the words of one of our new and youngest students..."

I honestly zoned out as she spoke, I know I'm trippin' because I could've sworn I saw papi smile and wink at me.

Ema, you're trippin' for real.

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