Day Two

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I woke to the sound of what could only be Jiwon's alarm. When I rolled over to check the time I swore. 5am, you have got to be kidding me!

"Jiwon, If you do not turn off that blasted alarm I'll kill you before the second day of training is over!" I yelled, throwing my pillow in the vague direction of his bed.

"Well someone isn't a morning person!" He stated cheerily, I could almost hear the smile in the b*sted's voice as he pulled me out of bed and onto the floor.

"Alex, there are 20 minutes till class starts and you're not even close to ready" -_-

"Alright, Alright I'm up!" I dashed into the bathroom locking the door so I could have a quick shower and brush my teeth. Loose fitting clothes in hand I was ready in 10. While I was showering Jiwon yelled todays schedule through the door.

"8 Hours of dancing today, are you as keen as I am? " He said as I strutted out of the bathroom with a towel on my head. He actually sounded extremely pleased with the notion, while I outwardly groaned. How I made it through yesterday without falling over I'll never know.

"Fabulous" I said putting on my Black Doc Martins. Anything else he said I didn't process since I was yet to have my first coffee for the day. Thanking God that the first class of the day was breakfast I almost ran to the cafeteria. This was a class I knew I could pass with flying colours. But sadly there was one thing I learnt from today's breakfast which would probably kill me if I was going to stay in Korea for a long time. The coffee was terrible.

Needless to say I was in a bad mood for the rest of the day and pretty much ignored everyone except the Dance instructors. I fell over once while walking forward, probably one of the simplest dance moves or life skills required in any industry but hey it's what I do.

"All part of my charm" I muttered, gaining some amused looks from some of the other trainees. When Lunch time eventually came I walked slowly towards the cafeteria, grabbing onto B.I's arm so he could partially drag me there.

"Dongsaaaaaaaennnnnng can you please get your lovely Hyung something to eat" I drawled whilst grabbing his cheeks. I understand that I'm supposed to be his Noona but no one has corrected my so far. Looks like I'm going to have to keep up this whole gender bender thing if I ever want to debut. Maybe this is all a big game and it's written somewhere in my contract. If not I don't exactly know how I can fix the situation considering my lack of ability to communicate with the higher ups.

"Why, can't you do it yourself! I'm just as tired as you are Hyung! " He whined, whilst swatting away my hands.

"Because, my cute little Dongsaeng I sprained my ankle when I fell" It was a total lie, I just couldn't be bothered lining up. And while I'm being honest B.I was most definitely not little he was at least a head taller than I was. He was pretty cute though... anyways.

Rolling his eyes the younger boy returned with my tray of food while Jiwon helped find a table.

No one spoke for the first 10 minutes, naturally everyone was preoccupied with inhaling their food. Most of the conversation around the table was in Korean which Jiwon helped to translate. Supposedly the next knock out round was after lunch in Fan Service class.

Essentially we were going to be put into four different situations and come up with the best sort of response. We would be judged on our language skills, charisma and whit. Basically  this is where we had to demonstrate our star persona. Which I hadn't established yet... :/

As we all trundled into an office that had been set up with a table facing a large audience which consisted of staff and YG's illustrious 2NE1 most of the boys blushed, including Jiwon. I was so going to tease him for that later hehe.

"Listen up, today the 10 of you will be fighting for a spot in YG's newest boy band, Ikon". Said Cl with a booming voice. If you have ever wanted to know what charisma is, this chick was the very embodiment of such. We all nodded in response.

"We" she said while gesturing to herself and other group members "Will be acting as your fans for the day and evaluating your responses to the certain situations that you will be exposed to as an idol." "You will be paired in groups of two" At this I latched onto Jiwon's arm. Glad that was settled easily I thought. I didn't even give the poor guy a chance.

"You two, are first" Cl said while pointing at,Jiwon and myself. Was it too late to fake an injury... As we made our way to the question table, I tried to think of ways to overcome the language barrier. Then it hit me.

" Hello, everyone my name is Black Alex and this is Kim Jiwon and we are both here today from Ikon." I smiled brightly before continuing. "Today I will be answering questions in english to make sure that all our fans have the chance to understand our responses".

Jiwon winked at me before continuing in Korean "I will be translating into Korean, just so we can make sure everyone gets a chance to know us".

Cl seemed pretty happy with our response and nodded before signalling to the staff to make a crazy rush towards our table. I grabbed the microphone from Jiwon and tried to control the situation.

"There is no need to rush forward everyone, we take our fans safety seriously." I said while looking out at the staff. Since there was not much of a response to my pleading, I tried using another tactic. Lowering my voice into what I hoped was a seductive tone I said "Ladies, please, there is plenty of us to go round and if you all stop pushing I'll get Jiwon to take his shirt off".

Showing skin is all it takes to calm a crowd. Poor Jiwon was forced to take his shirt off and muttered something about getting me back for it later. I'm sure the judges didn't mind and neither did I if I'm Honest. ;) There were a few blushes amongst the crowd which I'm sure we scored points for.

The first question I was asked helped to establish my persona according to the guys. Minzy was the first to pick on me.

"Alex oppa , will you marry me" She stuttered in english,pretending to be shy. To be honest I was a bit taken aback, they didn't give you much of a chance to warm up.

"Babe, I wish I could but I have to share my love with everyone." "It wouldn't be fair if I only loved one person now would it" I said with a wink. "I love you all equally". Jiwon just shook his head and laughed as we finished up our last set of questions.

"I didn't know you were that type of guy hyung" B.I said after he had finished his round of questions. "I'm not ,but you have to give the ladies what they want" I responded, nonchalantly.

"Exactly, which is why both yourself and Jiwon are through to the final round" said Cl

I was not expecting that.

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