No one cares that the plane is leaving, do they?

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Sorry for the late update :') the exam game is beating me hard. 

TOP's Pov

"Okay! Listen up! I need to get to YG you guys follow me there and don't block me getting through I'll G-Dragon and I will sign one thing per person!" I tried, yelling above everyone's screams I was 5 minutes from YG. Surely I could make it.  

Story Start 

Alex's Pov

"Oh god, oh god!" I freaked out grabbing my bags hastily then putting them down. 

"Alex, calm down what's the problem?" I asked Bobby, struggling at my change in emotions. 

"Top, what am I going to do about Top?!?" I said starting to pace. He was actually going to kill me big time! I had been such a .... HOLY SHIT I CAN'T EVER FACE THE GUY AGAIN! 

"Noona, what do you mean..." Asked B.I, the rest of the boys sharing in his confusion. 

I just spluttered some incoherent nonsense in response, English, Korean I have no idea. 

"Well, they sort of had a thing..." Said Bobby answering for me.  Naturally, I blushed, normal response. 

"WHAT!" Yelled the entire crew of Ikon minus Bobby of course. 

"I wouldn't say t-t-that... I mean we sort of k-k-kissed a few times and stuff but he never asked me out." I managed to stutter out. I made a move to grab my phone out of my pocket to check the time. 

I was totally going to miss my flight if I didn't get in a taxi, like now -_-

"I really have to go ... guys I 'm going to miss my fight." I sighed, but it looked like that was going to happen anyway. 

"You're not going anywhere Noona" Said Junhoe grabbing my shoulder and forcing me to sit on my bed once more. 

" You have a lot of explaining to do." Said B.I. 

Top's Pov 

I finally made it to the building. I couldn't let her go. Seriously, I don't think I have ever done so much cardio in my life. She's dead. DEAD.  Bursting through the doors of the building I ignored the various stares of oddity thrown my way.  I was almost there. 

Pushing past various staff members, I speed to the dorms. I heard loud voices on the other side of the door that I was about to open.  This was it. 

Alex's Pov

"I need to go! You can't keeeeep me here!" I yelled making a grab for suitcases only to be thrown back on the bed once more. Sure, they were able to let me go after finding out I was a girl. But clearly, the news of Top and I sort of being a thing was enough for them to believe that I could be held captive. 

"Look, Noona you have great taste in men, so we need to know exactly what happened here." Said Junhoe smirking. 

What happened next would  totally ruin my chances at ever getting on that plane.  Well, at least today anyway. 

"Please, I would like to know too." Said Top walking through the door, a disheveled mess. He looked like he had been running, which I know he never does.  And let me tell you guys, he looked pissed.  Like really pissed. 

"Oh, um well you see..." I started... before making a run towards the door. Which the annoying  handsome guy that was my totally, undoing happened to be blocking.

Of course he had to show up! WHY HOW HARD WAS IT FOR HIM TO LEAVE ME ALONE! 

"I don't think so Alex" He said grabbing my shoulders . I refused to look into his eyes, I couldn't.  If I did I knew I wouldn't leave. 

 No one else in the room said anything. Still shocked by his sudden appearance.  

The next thing he did shocked me even more, he slapped me across the face.  WHAT THE... I MEAN I KNOW I DESERVED IT BUT SERIOUSLY??? 

"Hey you should'nt  hit girls!" Said B.I , Top naturally Ignored the guy just as I tried to recover from the embarrassment. 

"That was for the little stunt you pulled before and this, is because I'm not planning on letting you go." He said before tilting my chin in an upwards fashion and kissing me. 

There were many shocked gasps heard from behind us. I swear I even heard someone clapping. 

Did this feel like a K drama with the roles slightly reversed, YES! 

Did I care at that Moment? 

I'm going to have to say no. 

Hey Guys! I know it's short I promise the next one will be longer! Thanks for all the support and votes you guys are absolutely awesome! 

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