Well That Just Happened

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Waking up this morning was certainly not a bed of roses. Sitting up quickly was probably not the best idea after a long night of drinking.

I paused before attempting to sit up, desperately fighting the wave of nausea that threatened to overtake me. Hearing a groan from Bobby's side of the room I slightly tilted my head, which probably wasn't the best idea.

"Ugh I don't think I'm gonna make it to the bath..." Was all I could think before sprinting to the toilet bowl. As I proceeded to empty the entire contents of my stomach all I could think was, thank god I didn't have long  hair.

"Alex, is that you?" Said Bobby rubbing his eyes as he entered the bathroom. I don't think he knew he was entirely naked  just yet.

"Yeah Bobby, it's just me... are you by any chance feeling cold at all?" I said trying to make direct eye contact with the guy and not look at anything else. Which was exceeding difficult as I stood up from the toilet. 

"Now that you mention it, I am a bit chilly this morning" He responded scratching his head. Still naked, naked, naked, naked!

"Bobby, look I'm not going to beat around the bush here but I would really appreciate it if you put some clothes on ... like right now!" I almost yelled fighting the blush that began to rise in my cheeks.

"Oooooh, sorry bro give us a sec" He said dashing to chuck on some underwear. "You would think the guy had never seen one before  " he muttered before yelling "ALEX WE NEED TO GO RIGHT NOW WE ARE ALREADY HALF AN HOUR LATE FOR OUR MUSIC VIDEO FILMING!" At this I sprang into action and tried my best to ready myself for a hell of a day. .

Did I have time to actually recount the events of last night?


So you can imagine exactly what happened when I ran into, and I mean fully collided with TOP in the hall way. I felt my head smash into something hard, but still warm which naturally meant it couldn't be the floor.

"Look, I know you like being op top (hehe get it ?) but this is hardly the place" He said smugly running his hand through his hair.

"I have no idea what you're.... OH OH No seriously!?!" Was all I could say as I was suddenly hit with a montage of images which I could only guess occurred last night. I desperately tried to fight the memory of launching myself at the guy and kissing him. Then there was the bed room incident as well where I.... Well I um.... ABORT ABORT ABORT SHUT DOWN SHUT DOWN.

How could I have and I mean why would I have.... Oh GOD I'm never ever going to able to live that down. Alcohol is a bad bad thing. I am never ever drinking again. NEVER.

"AH ALEX! What are you doing on the floor! Come on we have to go!" Said Bobby Scooping my body up off the ground.

"Sorry Hyung! We can catch up later" He said quickly to TOP dragging my lifeless body towards the front of the building. Our allocated car had already left so we had to take a cab to the set.

I sat in the back seat while Bobby gave the direction to the driver, the whole time my eye was twitching. Not sure how I was going to stop that before the MV shoot. I tried my best not to sink further into the chair as the events continued to replay again and again oh and again of last night.

"Alex, snap out it man, we are here!" Said Bobby jumping out the car  and somehow managing to bring me with him. I didn't say anything, I just followed Bobby through the doors of the studio trying my best to repress the events of last night.

"Bellizia, get into makeup now!" Yelled some small man with an inferiority complex for sure. I nodded walking over to a randomly placed chair and sat down.

The Struggles of my own Incompetence (Big Bang TOP)Where stories live. Discover now