A Happy Ending... Well Sort of ;)

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Alex's PoV

Bundles of white fabric were slapped against my face as I stood in the tiny dressing room of the bridal shop. 

I eyed the dresses warily as they continued to flood the room without my given consent. 

"Yah! Have you got one on Alex?" Yelled Bobby through the door. It was quite obvious that I hadn't I mean who would under these circumstances.

"Kill me." I muttered darkly before picking up an extremely simple, white dress.  Sweetheart neckline and a bit of lace you couldn't go wrong I thought as I struggled to get into the challenging contraption. 

As I stepped out of the room I noticed a sly smirk overtake Bobby's Features

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As I stepped out of the room I noticed a sly smirk overtake Bobby's Features. 

"Damn, Top Hyung is going to love you." He said, his eyes roaming over my body focusing particularly on the small amount of cleavage I was proud to show. 

Perverted bastard. I thought it was a modest dress. 

You should see the underwear they made me wear underneath! Or the lack thereof!  

It had to have been a guy that thought that lace undergarments were a comfortable thing.   

"I think we are done here." He continued before I could say anything in response. 

Grabbing my wrist the boy paid for the dress and shoved me into the waiting car.  Next thing I know I'm being attacked by some random makeup artist.  I looked down at my engagement ring desperately trying to ignore the stabbing pain of the makeup brushes as they stabbed my eyeballs. 

It was then that a sudden jolt of panic coursed through my body. 

Holy Shit. 

I was getting married. 


I ignored my hair being pulled, as the lady did her work, only to notice the car slow. 

We couldn't be here already?


I'm not ready ... I'm not. 

As the door opened, I saw my family waiting outside the church. 

Dad was all dressed up in a suit, ready to go a single white rose sitting elegantly in his pocket. 

He looked proud. 

Which was weird, I mean this was me we were talking about. 

Bobby smiled at my dad and directed the rest of the family in English into the church. 

Dad grabbed my hand tightly and smiled before saying something that I didn't actually think he was capable of. 

"Alex, I love you and I'm proud of the beautiful young women you are today".  Seemingly wiping a tear from his eye we walked up to the door of the church. 

"Dad, thank you for being here it means a lot!" I said before hugging the softie. 

 You know the typical music they play for the bride when they walk down the aisle? 

Well, I guess you could say that wasn't what my future husband had envisioned for my entrance. 

I laughed lightly to myself as I heard the familiar sound of Taeyang's voice fill the church. 

"Wedding dress, seriously?" I muttered to Bobby who sent me a cheeky wink before taking a seat with the rest of ikon. 

The tension mounted as I made my way down the aisle. 

I looked down the whole way, nervous as hell until I reached the end. 

My dad gave me a quick kiss, then I was handed over to a strange man dressed in a suit.

I could see the man holding back tears, while smiling widely.

Was this the man I was supposed to marry?

What was his name again?

I started to internally panic . 

I didn't know the handsome strager in the black pin striped suit. 








Author's PoV


I just wanted to throw in a bit of drama there.  Of course, Alex knew who the man was and what she was there for. 

Smiling at TOP she kissed him. 

"Hey, we haven't gotten to that part yet!" Yelled GD, pulling the two lovers apart. 

 "Mind your own business!" Responded Top, clinging to his bride.  This caused the rest of the church to laugh at the couple. 

"Let's get started you two!" Said the priest chuckling at the two. 

This prompted a blush from the girl as she tried to push her lover away. 

Top's Pov

"I do". I said, smirking at Alex's blush. 

Damn she's so sexy,  I can't wait to take that dress off and show her just how much I love her! 

It's been way to long. 

"I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride and please remember we are in a church," Said the priest with a mock stern look on his face. 

"No worries!" I said before whisking her off her feet. 

I kissed her over and over until somebody pulled me away. 

I smirked as Alex giggled and everyone cheered. 

Gabbing her hand we made a run for it in the church. 

There was a reception but I had somewhere else I needed to take her first. 

if you know what I mean ;) 

I almost lost her, now she needs to know how much I love her. 

Alex's Pov

That's it I'm married I thought as I kissed my husband. 

"I love you Seung Hyun" I wispered as we ran through the church. 

"I love you too Alex". 


Hey all it's been 3 years since I started this story. I had a major writers' block and really needed it to be finished. For all those who have read it. I want to say a massive thank you. This started off as a minor obsession with BIGBANG during their MADE era. It's been a truly long and wonderful journey and I thank you all for everything.  

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