Running Man Episode 250 - Part Four

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The third and final challenge race was to be held at a race track. I really hoped that we had a different car to drive on the track as an automatic car would totally spoil the fun.

"Wow... this place is huge" I said in english taking in my surroundings. I felt like I was on an episode of TOP Gear haha.


"Ouch what was that for !?!"  I yelled towards a smug looking GD

"I know the rules about your english Alex" He responded.

"You have to stop making more work for the producers to sub dongsaeng" Said Daesung shaking his finger in a tutt tutt like manner.  -__-

"Kiseki..." I muttered under my breath earning another slap to the head from TOP. I honestly wonder how many brain cells I have lost ever since I started speaking this damn language.

"Hyung! hajima!" I yelled at TOP who was laughing while fixing his hair in the car mirror. 

"Who is driving our car?" I asked my group taking off my merchant hat after struggling for five minutes to get the damn thing into the car -_-.

"Well me of course" responded Jae Suk immediately jumping into the drivers seat.

"Alright then, let's get this started"Yelled Gary hurrying the rest of our team into the car.

And then the director spoke and explained the rules about the final task.

"Three will be four  tasks that you all will need to complete." He paused waiting to see if everyone was listening before continuing.

"Each of your decisions up till now have effected the advantages afforded to each team"

"So, basically our team is screwed" I muttered as we had lost the majority of the challenges , fabulous -_-.

I was ignored as the director continued.

"The first task will be the carbonated drink vs water cup flip game"

"I don't understand what's this drink you're talking about?" my korean wasn't that extensive to understand exactly what it was he was talking about.

At this point Tae- Young got put of his car. Walking at a brisk pace , he pulled me out of through the car window. Seriously why were these people being so mean. :'(

"Alex, do you know what coke is?" That is a Soda" He said with an american accent translating the game rules.

"Honestly Dongsaeng you're holding up the game!" Said TOP joining us out on the track slinging his hand over my shoulders.

"Sorry, I haven't been learning the language for very long!" I said exasperated.

"I purpose a swap of team members!" Yelled Suk Gin.

"We need someone that actually understand what's going on in the final race!" He continued.

"That's right, agreed Gary "I think we should swap Suk Gin for TOP" Gaining many nods of approval from our team.

"Yah!, I meant swapping Alex" Said Suk Gin trying to defend himself.

"No one is swapping anyone, can I continue now?" Said the director.

"Basically you can't go home unless you win the final mission" The sun was getting closer to setting at this point. And I had a major dance assessment at 7 which was close to when I supposed to return.

"Okay, let's get in the car and get this moving, Jae Suk get out. I'm driving." I said shrugging Top shoulder off while making my way over to the car.

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