Oh Okay, so you Liked What Happened Yesterday (What's going in Top's Head)

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Alex: "Thank God I get a break this chapter... I'm so emotionally drained from the last one." 

Top: "Hey, you're the one that came onto me remember!" 

Alex: " Oh, please don't pretend that you didn't enjoy it" -_- 


Alex and Top: ... 

AN: "That's  what I thought". 

                                                                       Story Start ~

Alex: "Wait, Wait, Wait!" 

AN: -__- WHAT? 

Alex: "Top, you didn't respond... I wasn't that bad surely..."

Top: "... You were almost too... ah well... good."

AN: "Now can I start the story?"  "Seriously, you guys go talk it out over there."

 Story Start ...

 I can't wait for this interview to be over I had some things to organise for tonight of course. I really wanted to make sure that my warehouse was all ready for tonight. An:  Nothing creepy I promise! 

I had promised to take Alex out tonight and figured that showing her my extensive  collection of art work would have been a nice way to show her a little more about myself. 

I didn't like sharing the secret we had with others, which is why I had to show her just how she fit in my life.  I felt like I had to protect her, she was obviously here because she had a dream but thanks to an administrative issue her whole career could end before it's started.  Yeah, believe it or not I did have a heart. She's incredibly talented which is the whole reason why I was doing this. 

Yeah, I wanted her to make it big that was all.  Sure I thought she was attractive, in a tomboyish sort of way.  I made a phone call to a catering place to organise a menu for tonight. I'm sure she liked chocolate right? Why am I reading into this so much, anything would do. 

Shaking my head I moved  to take my shirt off, I had to get changed for the show. Naturally, I made sure no one was in the room. I didn't exactly notice Alex enter the room which I found out was going to be my mistake.  

I felt myself being pushed back onto a chair... I was in complete and utter shock when I realised who it was. 

I felt her lips press against mine and didn't respond at first still wondering what exactly she was doing.  Damn she was coming on strong , then again I did kiss her yesterday... But surely not like this. 

I knew what I was doing was totally wrong, I shouldn't have kissed her back. But the reactions she made every time I did... stirred something in me which I didn't quite understand. In a physical sense well I don't have to explain that to you all surely. I am a man after all. 

I should have been the one in control here and yet she was straddling me while I should have been getting changed...

Ah okay, she really shouldn't be moving like that especially against my ... 

Well if she was going to playing it this way I guess it's my turn to take control.  Lifting her up I  swung her over to the makeup table . Not once breaking from our kiss. I noticed the shock finally grace her features smirking at the small sound I heard escape her lips. 

I tried to hide a blush as I moved my hands past her hips. I meant no disrespect my hands moved on their own accord. Sure I had kissed other girls before but with Alex,it was starting to feel different. 

"I guess thing aren't quite going to plan are they Alex ?" I said between kisses.  I noticed a blush rise to her cheeks as I fought back a smile . Pushing the brushes off the table I deepened the kiss .

"What do you mean!" She half yelled, motioning to flip me  over. I didn't realise how strong she actually is. I guess she works out a fair bit.  I noticed a smirk grace her lips  she was competitive.

I heard a knock at the door and tried to separate from this somewhat compromising position. Her shirt had ridden up slightly, exposing her  toned abs. Biting my lip I turned to the intruder throwing him a dirty look. 

Seungri gave a knowing smile, he wouldn't say anything but was convinced that I was in a relationship with the younger boy. If only he knew.  That was an interesting concept to think about though, wasn't it.  Alex and I in  a relationship, I felt a light tingle in my chest while mulling over the thought. He would ask me questions later hat would be really interesting conversation later.

"Look the interview is going to start soon Hyung, it might be a good idea to put a shirt on."Seungri said before walking back out.

"So, I guess I won then." I said turning to Alex  proudly somehow I had ended up on top. ;) 

"You may think you have, but boy I'm not the one with a raging boner about to go out for an interview."  She responded with a wink, I looked down in horror noticing that what she had said was in fact, true.  A blush dotting my cheeks.  I moved to put my shirt on and tried to think of things to fix my problem. 

"Admit it Alex, you like me." I replied, hiding my head in my shirt. 

"So you finally worked it out, points to you babe." She said rolling her eyes. Her tone was dripping with sarcasm which sent a sharp pain to my chest. 

Before continuing "Get dressed O.p.pa you're going to miss your interview."  I watched her make a move towards the door. I hated it when she did that, how hard was it to show me some respect.

" I do not have a boner because of you, let's just get that straight!" I said ignoring her laugh as she walked through the door.  Much to my chagrin the boner was still there -__-

I walked over to the mirror to check my hair before heading out to the main set of the studio. I was looking forward to tonight.  

It's going to be so much fun. 

Hey dudes! How is it going? I just wanted to thank you all for reading this Fanfic voting and commenting!  I have just started writing a BTS fanfic so feel free to check that one out and give it a go! As Always thanks for understanding about the editing hehe. 

Over and Out! 

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