Meeting the gang, or should I say BIG BANG

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Disclaimer:  The usual I don't own Big Bang, Ikon or YG ect. I own my oc Alex. How's it going guys, I hope you like what's going on so far. If not please let me know. 

Ever since coming to Korea I haven't had a chance to actually sit down and watch my favourite shows. To be honest I was suffering heavily from the withdrawals of Korea's best  variety show Running Man. Thanks to my latest homework assignment from BI and Bobby I was now able to catch up! The only problem is I wasn't allowed to watch it with the English subs. 

With my notebooks and laptop sprawled across my bed I watched the episode noting the words that I knew and the ones that I didn't. Jiwon I mean Bobby, was lifting weights in the small walkway in between our beds. Why he would put his muscles through more torture before the day started I didn't understand.  Dance practice didn't start till 7 which meant I still had an hour to get myself together. 

 It had been 3 days since we had sent in our MVs and most of us had been too focused on the growth of intensity with regards to our daily routines to think about it. On top of the average schedule I was forced into 6 hours of korean a day by both my leader -_- and Bobby.  

In the five days that I had been learning the language there was a dramatic improvement. I was not so fluent that I could speak for hours on end but I understood to about the level of a grade four kid which wasn't too bad. It made communication amongst the boys a lot easier which was a plus. I was pulled away from laptop to the sound of knocking on our dorm room door. 

How dare someone interrupt my  Running Man session I thought as I walked towards the door, still in my pyjamas which consisted of an oversized hoodie and shorts. 

"Hello, you must be Alex, I'm here to pick you up for an assessment" Said a well dressed guy with a medical mask and sunglasses. 

"Yes, I'm Alex but who exactly are you?" "I have dance practice at seven and this is the first I have heard about any assessment." I said while crossing my arms. 

"Who is it Alex? " Asked Bobby, chucking his weights on the floor before coming to the door.  When the stranger finally came into his view a surprised expression graced his features before he proceeded to slap me. 

"YOU IDIOT, HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW WHO THIS PERSON IS? " Bobby yelled grabbing me by the ear. 

"HE'S NOT MAKING IT EASY, HIS FACE IS COVERED" I yelled back swatting his hand away. All the while the stranger laughed at our banter. 

"I'm so sorry Jiyong Hyung this guy" Bobby said while gesturing to me "is an absolute idiot."

"Ji yong Hyung... wait a second that would mean that you're GGG- Dragon"  I stuttered in english completely giving up on the Korean earning a slap across the face from Bobby. 

"Ya! Hajima!" I yelled at him. 

"Alex, could you please get changed we should really get going , I have quite a packed schedule today" Said GD while removing his mask and glasses so to confirm his identity.  

"I'm so sorry hyung he'll be ready in 5 minutes I promise." Said Bobby for me whilst shoving some clothes in my hands and pushing me into the bathroom. 

I chucked on a pair of blue jeans, with my red Doc Martins, a black t-shirt and suit jacket. It wasn't overly casual so I figured I could get away with where ever we were going today. I think my brain was still yet to process just who I would be spending the entire day with. 

Once I was dressed and ready to go GD grabbed my arm and dragged me to a black four wheel drive out the front. He opened the door shoving me onto something or rather someone. 

A muffled "Get off me" was heard amongst  a chuckle which seemed to emanate  from up the front of the car.  

"Jwesonghamnida" I said while struggling to get a free car seat. 

"It's no problem Dongsaeng, this is all Jiyong  Hyungs fault" said a slightly miffed Seungri. "Hey guys we should introduce ourselves to this little Dongsaeng shouldn't we? We don't want to be rude now do we? " Said Seungri this earned him a slap from Daesung. 

"Stop pretending you're in charge maknae" He said ruffling his hair from the seat behind us. Without my coffee it was difficult to process exactly just what was going on. 

"I feel like I have been kidnapped here... What is actually going on" I said scratching my head. 

"You like?" TOP said while handing me a foam cup which contained god's liquid in it. 

"Ah sure..." I responded looking at the cup oddly before downing it in one go.

"Basically Alex," said Taeyang from the drivers seat "We watched all the MVs from your group assignments and thought yours was the funniest". "YG asked us to choose the best and take them along with us for a day a week for the next two months while we are in Korea." At this point Daesung cut him off. 

"I couldn't believe how funny the scene was when the apple incident occurred"" Was that planned Alex? Because It was fantastic baby" He said while giving me a light punch on the shoulder. 

"How about the part when you fell into the Han River while watching your girl walk away with the other guy" Said Seungri. "The look on your face was hilarious!" I re watched that part at least four times" he laughed. 

"I thought the apples rolling the hill was the funniest" Said T.O.P agreeing with Daesung." And when the Ajumma scolded you I couldn't help but laugh." Wow his voice was so deep I thought a loud. 

"Glad you noticed Dongsaeng" said T.O.P With a smirk. All the while the boys laughed at my response to their teasing. 

"Does our little Dongsaeng have a crush on our main rapper" Said GD with a laugh. 

"Hajima Hyung I'm a boy!" I yelled  whilst blushing.

Today was going to be a long day. 

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