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"사랑해 Alex , 사랑해" He said, and I knew at that moment, I was going to be in a lot of trouble. 

"You can't just drop that on me before I'm about to leave idiot?!?" I yelled in utter frustration. Honestly, how the hell could I leave now? -_-

Obviously, we had had to foster this forbidden romance, which meant I had to do the right thing here and stay in Korea. 

Who was I kidding, I couldn't leave him! I loved the guy but then again this whole thing could turn into a massive sh*t storm that we both might not be able to come back from. 

Who was I to ruin his career ? An Australian chick that was gender confused by all of Korea and extorted by the music industry. 

"Alex, talk to me what's going on in your head." He said stroking my cheek, his gentle gesture sent my heart racing more than I would have liked. 

Guys I was in deep!  Save me  :') 

"Seung-hyun oppa, I want to stay, I want to be with you stay with everyone here but it's not right! You know what could happen if I did, you have military service next year and the rest of your comeback to finish, a world tour and and and and I just can't...." I paused in my ramblings as I noticed him smile, there was an element of  sadness that was hard to miss in his eyes. 

Moving towards a blue couch we sat down. My eyes dropped to my hands which I had neatly placed in my lap. He knew what I was saying was true, which is why his next words slightly shocked my a little.  

"I'll wait for you".  He said lightly tracing my hands with his fingertips.  

"Ugh what?" I responded, not completely sure if what he was saying was true. Look guys, I hadn't had  a boyfriend before much less had anyone interested in me at all.  

My heart was literally dying. 

Laughing lightly to himself he rolled his eyes. 

"Alex, you obviously didn't understand me what I told you in Korean so here it is in English." Surely he wasn't going say it in English as well. I might just die of laughter. 


"Are you sure?" I responded trying not to giggle at the obvious accent that was coming through. Maybe it was the hysteria, who knows. 

He groaned, rolling his eyes at my obvious defiance in denying the current situation. 

"You know what, I'm guessing words alone are not going to be enough to get you to understand." He replied getting up to lock the door.  My breath hitched in my throat, as my mind began to race through all the possible things, sexual advances and other potential actions he could possibly engage in,  to 'show me'. 

Mind out of the gutter Alex -_-

He smirked at my reaction before moving to grab something out of his pocket.  

Damn, this boy came prepared! I mean I know we haven't done that sort of thing before but I didn't want to go and lose my virginity on the couch. 

The first time, that was supposed to mean something right? 

But then again, how many people would be able to say that had done it with one of the sexiest men in the Kpop world. 

 I love the guy that means something, it's just a bonus that he's super hot, talented and all out amazing. 

I was obviously too completely lost to my own dirty thoughts that I failed to realise the new addition that had been added to my hand. 


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Looking down I noticed two of the most beautiful rings I had ever seen perfectly placed on both my own, and Top's left hands.

" Does this prove how much you mean to me? Do you  get it yet?" I didn't let him say anything else, I just kissed him. Where did I find this human being? 

I knew what a couple ring meant in Korean culture and I knew what it meant for him to be willing to wear it in public.   He was going to show the  world that he had someone.  I was totally blushing. I knew I was. How the hell was I going to deal with all this tonight! 

"Hey...Alex... We... can't I have stuff planned for tonight" He said trying to break off the kiss.  

Role reversal~ la la la 

"Shhhh just enjoy the moment idiot!" I responded moving to kiss him again. 

"Alex, later okay trust me I'm not planning on letting you go tonight ;)" He responded with a wink. 

My last night in Korea, was going to be quite an interesting one let me tell you. 

One that I would surely never forget. 

Hey Guys! How we all doing??? Writing this chapter literally made me die inside haha Thank you all for your votes and comments! Sorry for the slow updates I'm trying to plan for my other fanfic at the same time! Big Bang to release their full album ! We getting excited?!?


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