Running Man Episode 250 - Part One

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Hello Everyone! For the purpose of being able to include Alex in the episode I was forced to take out one of the Key Running Man players :'( (Song Jihyo). Please don't hate! She will feature in the chapter but as an MC due to a supposed injury...

Just a quick thank to  animegirlkj for the votes and comment! Seeing people enjoy the story inspires me to release chapters earlier!

******Story Start******

It had been a full week since I had first met Big Bang and watched the filming of their MV. The release of the Bae Bae had been a total success pushing the boy band to the top of the charts within the week.  It came that time again where I was going to be stolen away from my group members to "Learn" from the masters of Kpop.

I was woken by a loud knocking at around about 5 in the morning.Naturally Bobby was dressed and ready for practice which started at 6 so he answered the door.

"DONSAENG! WAKE UP IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO COME WITH US!" Yelled and overenthusiastic  T.O.P whilst pulling the covers of my bed.

"There you go Daesung, he doesn't sleep naked like you do I guess you owe me 50 000 won". Said Seungri pulling my pillow from underneath my head.

"Damn, I was so sure he did too..." Daesung replied handing over the money.

"It can't be that time of week already, surely? I must be dreaming" I mumbled motioning for the covers.

"Sunbae, if you want to get him out of bed before 5:30am you'll need coffee" Said Bobby shaking his head.

"The boy is a total mess without it, I mean yesterday he put his socks on his hands and his gloves his feet because we had a gym session at 4:30am" Continued Bobby, making an instant coffee for himself.

At this the three boys cracked up, I was blissfully unaware to what they were planning next. Still asleep I was scoped up into a princess hold by Daesung while Top gathered some clothes and shoes.

The bastards carried me to the car  while I was asleep. It was only when we arrived on the Running Man Set at 7am that I realised I was no longer in my bed.  Lucky I wore a track suit to bed last night otherwise things could have gotten real awkward real fast.

Before I knew what was really going on, I had been forced into a changeover  room with some weird looking white and blue outfit that looked Japanese. Naturally I changed into the outfit still believing the entire thing was just a dream. Until I took my first sip of coffee that was given to me by a very nice lady.

"Thank you for the Coffee Miss but who are you and where am I? " I said to her only just coming to terms with the fact that I was most definitely not at YG anymore.

"Donsaeng! You look fantastic, so glad to see that you fit in Song JiHyo's costume!" Said GD with a smirk. "The other guys didn't believe me but hey it looks good" He continued with a wink.

"Hyung, don't take this the wrong way but I have to ask you something..." I responded taking in his appearance. At this point Taeyoung decided to join us in the change room wearing a matching red gladiator costume with his name written on the back.

I took a big breath trying to calm myself down. Through gritted teeth I asked "Where the hell are we right now, why am I in this weird blue kimono like thing and why the hell are you two dressed as gladiators!?!" By this stage I was yelling and had to use the wall to stop me from falling over.

"Ah, Alex it's Monday which means you're spending the day learning from your Hyungs!" ^-^ Said Taeyoung with a massive smile on his face.

"Yes but that doesn't really answer his question now does it hyung" Said Seungri shaking his  finger towards his senior. 

"I would explain but there is no time as we must make our entrance!" Seungri continued pulling me towards the door. I tried to resist but didn't get very far.

Before I could say anything I was pushed out onto a racing car track towards a group of people that were in the same ridiculous get up as I was.

Still disorientated I tripped and fell on something soft. Or rather... Someone.

"OH. MY. GOD." Was all I could manage as I was greeted by my absolute favourite group of comedians.

"Please welcome our first guest, an aspiring trainee of YG set to debut with their rookie group Ikon Alex Black" Announced Song Ji Hyo. This was unbelievable. I couldn't believe who I was seeing right now.

"A-anyoung haseyo, it's really nice to meet you!" It was hard to suppress  the inner fan girl, let me tell you especially when Lee Kwang Soo came up and shook my hand.

I was still on the ground at this point as I met this group of awesome people.

"So he totally fangirls when he meets the cast of Running man, but had a completely different reaction upon first meeting his Hyungs!" Exclaimed Daesung lifting me off the ground.

"Yes, well that's because they didn't kidnap me, now did they!?!" I responded before thanking him for his help.

"Woah, so these are the muscles of Mr Capable" I said motioning to shake his hand. Let me tell you guys he was a tank. I stood there admiring the older guy and was completely ignored by everyone on set.

"Oh, Daesung you look like the old you, what happened to the new hairstyle" Said Jae Suk pointing at his forehead.

"I changed my concept" He responded flipping his hair for added emphasis. "I feel like I was too handsome with my new hairstyle which covered half my face so I had to change it back". He said with a laugh.

"So what does that make you now?" Laughed Jae Suk moving closer to the boys.

" The ugly one of course" At this everyone started laughing. The banter was fantastic and I couldn't believe that I was going to be apart of such an awesome show.

"Why are you all wearing skirts?" Asked Jae Suk directly addressing Mr Capable. His comment didn't go down too well  as we all flinched in response to  Mr Capable's motion to punch.

"Wow look at GD, doesn't he look so cool?" Said Haha "PLEASE BE MY SONS GODFATHER I WANT HIM TO BE JUST LIKE YOU!" GD just laughed it off not  sure how to respond.

"Where are you guys from?" Jae Suk tried again

"I'm from Rome" Said T.O.P in his rapping voice, I didn't notice the blush rising to my cheeks but someone else just had too didn't they.

But I won't tell you who! Sorry for any grammar issues I wanted to get it out ASAP.

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