Being on stage

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The feeling of being stage was interesting that's for sure. 

I knew that the fans were really here to see Big Bang and not Ikon. But it was cool to see the Australian people supporting the Kpop world.  

I knew this was my last performance and the last time I would see the boys, so I figured I'd make the most of it. 

"Alex, none of the formations have changed so this should work." He said walking me to the stage.

"You might want to fix your collar ;)" Said B.I holding back a smirk. Obviously, he knew what was up. Everyone did. 

"Shut up dude, you're lucky I'm even doing this." I can't even. I mean just let.... I was going to kill this boy. 

"Back off man, she's gonna lose it." Said Bobby trying not to laugh.  

Junhoe, Yunhyeong,  Jinhwan, Donghyuk, and Chanwoo literally jumped on me when I entered the room.  

"ALEX!!! Let's do this!" They all yelled and so we started to practice. 

1 hour later

A tentative knock was heard at the door half way through the practice. I didn't look up and walked over to grab a drink. 

"Well someone is being rude to their Oppas isn't she." Said Seungri tapping me on the shoulder.

" I didn't exactly ask to be in the show now did I".  I said sassily. I was taking no Shit today. 


 "Aish so disrespectful".  Said GD walking over and grabbing my head to pull me over to the others. 

"You also need a haircut, let's get that done". He continued while everyone else laughed.  Making a quick phone call I went over to give my previous hyungs a hug. 

"You still look cute, it's still weird to think of you as a girl." Said Daesung. I smiled at him then turned to Taeyang. 

"It's good to have you back." He said and I nodded in response and turned to TOP.  There a  deep seated anger in his eyes that I was trying to look away from. 

"Everyone, get out." He said suddenly. 

"Hyung that's not fair we just got her back..." Said Seungri whining until he saw the look on the older boys face. 

"Out." He said quietly. 

And everyone began to take their leave.  I tried to along with them but as you can guess that wasn't going to happen.  

 "Alex, you stay." He said never breaking eye contact. 

"What if I don't want to stay." I said trying to fight out his stare. 

"You don't get that option".  He replied closing the door.  This was not going to be a fun conversation.

"I don't want to do this,  I thought I was very clear about our relationship." I said trying not to lose it. 

"Oh you mean this letter, the one where you basically ripped my heart out and selfishly left." He said pulling out the very letter we had been talking about. 

It wasn't until I realised that I had written on the back of the page that I knew I was in trouble. 

"Alex, I read the other side." He said, moving closer to me. 

"I know you didn't mean anything you actually said." He said in a tone of voice just above a whisper. I noticed his eyes begin to water and I gasped in shock.  I made him cry . Man I was such a dick. 

"No. you don't get to cry, do you know how much I sacrificed to protect you." I yelled moving away from the man.  I was getting angry now or at least trying to be as my heart broke each time a tear slipped down his cheek. 

"I'm sorry, did I ask you to do that ?" He said grabbing my arm.  Alex you need to focus here. 

"NO, YOU DIDN'T I GAVE UP ON US SO I WOULDN'T RUIN YOUR DREAM!" "YOU AND I CAN'T HAPPEN! WHY DON'T YOU GET THAT!" I YELLED, in tears now. I tried to move away but he clung on too tight.  This was turning into a full blown argument and I was getting a little worried.

"I DON'T CARE WHAT HAPPENS!" He yelled back forcing me to look into his eyes. You could see the pain washed over his features. 

"Alex, did you even ask me what I wanted? I think you just tried to take the easy road and disappear

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"Alex, did you even ask me what I wanted? I think you just tried to take the easy road and disappear." He continued. 

"I can't do this. This can't happen with you." I responded shaking my head. 

"I NEVER LOVED YOU! I USED YOU WHY DON'T YOU GET THAT!" I yelled in utter frustration, I just wanted to be left alone, why couldn't he see that!

"YOU'RE LYING!" He yelled  back, shaking his head. 

"I'M TELLING THE TRUTH YOU JERK!" I yelled trying to remove myself from his grasp once more.


I stood there in shock. I honestly didn't know how I could have responded to that. 

"Um I... I." I stuttered 

"You what Alex?" He said smirking now. 

"Oh shut up!" I said grabbing his tie and pulling him towards me. 

Yes all, I kissed him. 

The incredibly hot guy that I made cry. 

And damn did he respond.   

Right so, I know I haven't updated in a while and the only excuse I have is that I am struggling to finish this story. It's hard to find the energy to do it. 

I want to thank everyone that has voted commented and read this story and not commenting on my errors and just enjoying the story. I'm thinking a few more chapters but yeah we will see how we go. 

Thanks again everyone. I'm so sorry I haven't been active the last couple of months.  

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