To write a song or...

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Sitting off set, I watched my hyungs answer the questions they had laid out during the interview stages. It was going to be a killer episode I knew just from watching the responses. Add some sound effects, bit of animation and there and BANG you get an awesome Korean interview show. 

 Obviously, my mind was  trying to distract itself from the larger issue at hand.  How much longer could I keep this up? This charade? I should just go back to Australia maybe do another degree. No one would know who I was so it wouldn't matter, I could just go back living a normal life you know?

Stopping this odd relationship game I was playing with Top. The new pressure afforded to Bobby, the poor guy, now he had to keep my secret... Ugh seriously what was I going to do. Placing my head in my hands, I made a move to rub my eyes. These thoughts were beginning to exhaust me both physically and mentally.  

Grabbing out an exercise book from my bag, I moved towards one of the seats at the back of the studio. Ikon still needed a few more songs for our debut so at least this would distract me for a little while at least.

We needed something fun I think, to break up the tension in the album. Maybe I could ask GD for a bit of help. Hopefully, he won't be a sassy Mofo and give me a hand. It would also give the group some more credibility you know? 

A hand on my shoulder pulled me out my thoughts, Ji Yong had walked over to me during a short break from the interview.  I didn't notice him grabbing my book, as I moved to stand up. 

"You know Alex, some of this is not bad I would like to have a look at this in the studio later today, you up for it?" He said flipping through a couple of pages and handing the book back. I hadn't had a lot to do with the group leader due to a certain someone ...

"Alex?" Questioned GD, a smile tugging at his lips. I knew the guy was good, but surely he couldn't know what I was thinking. 

"Uh S-sorry Hyung! That would be fantastic! Would it be okay if I invited Bobby and BI along for the session? I responded mentally cursing myself for stuttering. 

"Sure, it would probably do them some good" He replied with a smirk then turned to walk back onto set.  I wasn' t sure what the older boy had initially wanted but at least it worked out for me. 

It was only now that I realised there was a massive spread of food on a large table at the centre of the room. It would only make sense that I should grab something to eat right? Food, was very important in my time of need. 

Top met my gaze as I wondered over, I laughed as he totally missed something Yoo Jae-suk had asked him.  My focus was then drawn back to the food, grabbing a sandwich I went to make a move back to my original seat. That was until 4 people decided it would be a fantastic idea to drag me onto the set.

"Alex, it's been such a long time since I saw you running man, how have you been recovering from our loss?" Said Yoo Jae- Suk with  a massive grin on his face.  He knew I was competitive and it wasn't even my fault that we lost. -_-  I took a seat between Seungri and Daesung before answering. 

"Great, actually Ikon is getting ready for some new releases soon so I have been working on the song writing." I replied trying my best not to punch the guy out. I thought this was supposed to be a Big Bang  interview. 

"That's good, your hyungs tell me you have been working really hard lately even during the filming of one of their recent MV's" He continued smirking. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat hoping to God YG hadn't given the show permission to air my little version of Bae Bae on national television. 

" I think everyone should see just how good our little Dongsaeng is at imitating his hyungs" Said GD joining in on the smirkfest that had begun.  I knew now why I had been brought here today and I was going to have a word to YG about this myself. 

Next thing I knew I was on the screen, which I knew the viewers at home would appreciate the mess I caused during my turn at filming the MV. 

I cringed as I watched the scene unfold rubbing my head in memory of the pain caused by my own clumsiness. 

 I had almost finished but the model got too close and I wasn't looking where I was going so naturally I fell over. She ended up collapsing on top of me earning a few wolf whistles from the audience.

That wasn't the worst of it though, you remember the manakin I pulled off the wall, well when I landed my head smacked against her plastic boobs and to say it hurt would be putting it nicely.

"Ugh... Are you okay?" I said to the girl that was still lying on me. She was starting to get heavy -_-

"Yes, I'm alright thank you for catching me " she said with a blush making a move to get off.

"No problem, it's what I do^.^" I said helping her up.

I blushed hearing my own voice causing the rest of the Happy Together crew to laugh at my expensive. 

" We didn't know you were so good with girls" Laughed Jae- Suk, patting me on the shoulder. 

"Yeah..." Was all I could muster looking down at my feet once again. I just wanted to crawl into a little ball and die. 

"Dongsaeng don't worry we all think it's cute" Said GD making a move to pat me on the head. I dodged the motion and crossed my arms. Why these guys insisted on making fun of me I had no idea. At least the publicity would be good for Ikon with all that going on. 

Top remained quiet throughout the rest of the interview despite the obvious jests at my expense. When it was finally all over I walked back to my assigned dressing room to get changed back  into my normal gear. 

I didn't notice Top slip in behind me until I heard his voice. 

"Alex, we need to talk."

Alright guys shit is about to go down in thr next chapter! Welcome to all the new readers! Thank you to all those who commented and voted for this story! I'll be sure to update more in the next month! 

- Peace out dude  

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