When it finally gets through

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Hellooooooo everyone ~ this is  just a quick note to say I had so much fun writing this chapter.  Thank you so much for reading it all.

Alex's Pov

"Yes I am" .

"For god's sake, Alex pull your top down!" Said Bobby for the third time. Laughing lightly I did as I was told.

"Look I figured this would have been the best method to get you all to believe me," I replied smoothing out my shirt. I was now very aware of the seven blushing boys in the room. Anyway, I could die of embarrassment later.

" Okay hyung or Noona I guess, why are you only telling us this now?" Said B.I always being the first to speak out. Man I would miss him. I looked at Bobby his gaze meeting the floor. I knew he wasn't happy with my decision but it looked like he was done trying to stop me.

"I'm leaving, tomorrow." I said, a sharp intake of breath was heard from near the door.  I watched as a look of shock graced the features of most of the boys. B.I's evolved into a state of near anger. I was expecting this.

"OKAY, LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT ,YOU DROP THIS BOMB ON US AND DECIDE THAT YOU'RE LEAVING!" Yelled B.I walking over to me with  quite a brisk walk. I honestly thought the boy was going to tackle me to the ground.

"I get it, I lied to you but to be fair it wasn't entirely my fault." "You guys have to realise that me leaving is the best thing for the group." "Can you Imagine what would happen if someone found out?" "Everyone, this really the only way to get through, I have already ruined enough being here... It's best that... I do it... I leave..." It was this point I noticed the tears that fell gracefully down my cheek. Laughing bitterly at the fact that this was probably the only graceful moment I would have in my life, I waited for someone to speak up.

"You said it wasn't your fault, start talking." Said Jun-hoe, I couldn't meet his gaze before I started talking, and man did I spill it all.

Top's Pov

"Taxi!" I yelled bolting out of the studio.

"TOP, Hyung we are supposed to be having dinner with YG where are you going?" Yelled Seungri. I completely forgot, I knew tonight was an important meeting which meant there was no way that she could leave. She would have to at least tell him before she left so I still had time.

"I'll meet you there! I need to go get Alex" I responded, he nodded in understanding as I got into the car. I had less than 20 minutes to work up a plan. Alright TOP let's get thinking.

Alex's Pov

"So basically, you're telling us that the whole reason you ended up in the group was because you couldn't read Korean?" Said Jun- Hoe, exasperated.

"Well, uh yeah ..." I said scratching the back of my head in embarrassment.

" Hyung... Noona you're actually an idiot" Said Bobby laughing. The rest of the crew all joined in.

"I'm so sorry guys but look I really need to leave it's not fair to you or YG, I'm really going to miss you guys." I said smiling.

"Who is going to help write our songs?" Said B.I, as the laughter died down I noticed his smile falter . He had accepted the reality of the situation I knew that now.

"I'm sure we can still stay in contact from Aus, don't worry I'll still be writing music and I promise that I'll send stuff though!" I said motioning for the younger boy to come over for a hug.

"You will still always be a member of the group!" Said Bobby joining in on the hug. The others soon followed and I knew it was time to finally make my move.

"I might come back as a teacher, you never know, you guys really need some help with your english" I laughed, so did everyone else which made me feel at ease.

Practically I could see that working.
" Now, who is going help me pack?" I said gesturing to my suitcase which has magically appeared out of nowhere.

"It depends, do we get to see your underwear collection?" Said B.I

And we will leave it there! Thank you again to those who have been commenting and voting! Also for those reading! You guys are all seriously awesome people! 😀 till the next chapter!

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