Running Man Episode 250 - Part Three

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Welcome back to the third instalment of the big bang running man episode! There will be one more after this chapter. Sorry I had to spread it out over four chapters! O.O It's hard to cut out the banter within the episode. Again I don't own anything but my OC and also please vote and comment if you are enjoying the story! Cheers again to Accentmuffin!

The merchant team was on the road. After losing the opportunity to choose two tickets for the final race.

"It's really hot in here" Said Jae- suk

"You guys think this is hot, you should come to Australia in summer where the temperature is above 40 degrees round christmas." I said laughing at the fact that they thought it was hot .

"Well maybe that's because I turned the heater on" Said Suk - Jin causing laughter to erupt from the entire car.

We were met with a cool valley with a nice stream. So it looks like a basket ball game, but I don't think we can dribble in the water and well the ball looks like a massive plush toy.

"This is the main dish, but we've wasted our energy for the appetizer." Said Seungri completely drained.

A random voice from somewhere said "In the water, you will see the basketball posts on both sides.""You will play with a special ball that becomes heavy when wet.""Five players for each team."

"Look at GD, he's wearing the towel differently." Said Gary and Haha as we made our way into the water in our newly changed uniforms. Your hair is going to get wet anyway I don't understand why you would wear the towel and not just use it to dry your hair later. :')

"Why are you so fashionable?" "Why did he tie it differently?" The two older guys continued trying their towel in the same way.

"Alright, everyone can be GD! Let's start the gameeeeee!"I said trying to move the banter along.

"Dongsaeng, you're being rude to your hyungs" T.O.P Scolded shaking a finger at me.

"I'm sorry, it's just really hot and I think it would be very relaxing if we moved into the water."

"I think you're right, Seungri I might need your help with this" he said while motioning to the others to come closer.

"One, two three!" Yelled my hyungs before I registered what was happening.

As I emerged from under the water, I sent a hate filled glare towards my two "role models" -_- lucky I was wearing blue otherwise I might have had my bra on display.

"I'll get you back for that! I promise!" -_-

They only response I got was Taeyoung shoving me back under water -_- I had to win this challenge even if it killed me!

Game Start

Instantly the ball was taken by the gladiators, I got myself in position waiting back so I could receive a pass and go for goal. However it was going to be really difficult for us merchants to get the ball down our end.

"Yah Kwang soo hyung, uses your height to hit the ball out of the hoop." I yelled as the score quickly became 2 to 0.

Just then the ball was passed to Gary I was subbed off so I watched as he made is way for a lay up shot.

"Gary! How could you miss" You were right there with no competition" I had to try my hardest to stop from swearing.

"Hey, I'm trying my best!" He responded.

"Suk Jin, swap with me!" I yelled not really giving him and option.

"Wow someone is competitive.." Said Jae Suk getting into position.

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