The real question is what does he know...

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Hi all, it's been difficult to find someone that Alex looks like but I think I have found the right one! Jungyeon from twice is who I envision her to look like since the other image is broken :/

"Right, what the hell are you doing in my room" I said in a dangerous voice. I couldn't believe this was happening today. 

"I think the real question is who does this belong to?" Said TOP waving the bra, I mean my bra, around.

"You're not allowed to have girls in your room while you're a trainee and staying at the agency." He continued, jumping up from my bed and making his way towards me. And since I had my back pressed against the door there wasn't really any place to move.

"Which begs the question, how exactly you have this plus the others" At this point the bastard used the bra strap to flick me in the face leaving me momentarily dazed.

"Look, they aren't mine... I can explain!" I groaned, I really had to think fast if I was going to get out of this one.

"I'm listening ~ Oh and you might want to make sure that door is locked there could be trouble if someone finds out what we are talking about." Was the stupidly cheery response I got. I still checked the door anyway before I said anything at all.

"Ok, so those aren't mine ... they belong to my um sister! Yeah my sister!" I said trying my best to lie. I know he didn't buy it and I wouldn't either. Truth is, I'm terrible at lying the only reason I have gotten this far is because no had asked me anything. That plus stuffing socks down your pants generally seems to work too.

"See, I think you're going to have to try again I don't think that's the truth" Said TOP shaking his finger at me before walking over to me whispering in my ear " I have another theory, maybe you would like to hear it".

I hated the way that his voice made me feel sometimes , seriously the involuntary shivers were getting on my nerves.

"Well, let's hear it then, you obviously know I can't lie so..." Was all I could say, what else was I supposed to do. If you guys have any ideas feel free to share because I'm sure that I'm going to hate myself later for doing this.

"Well you did ask for it, but before I "explain" I must tell you, I'm completely straight..." Said TOP with a wink.

"Sure , I know that?" I Said slightly confused. I made my way over to the bed to try and create a bit of space between us. He'd gotten ridiculously close over the course of our conversation and at least this way I could relax.

"Good, so it won't be awkward when I do this..." He walked over to face me. Lightly tilting my chin back I waited for him to tell me exactly what his theory was.

"What are you..." I tried to say but was cut off by something warm and quite familiar. He pressed his mouth towards mine hard. You'd think that I would be used to this by now and could readily shove him off. But I mean would you, If you had TOP from Big Bang kissing you?

I felt his tongue run across my lips clearly begging for entry. Which I allowed. I did, I mean you've seen what he's like in bae Bae  a little forceful so I had no choice but to give in. Man, I think I enjoyed this a lot more than I should of. But, you all must know I was doing this for all the fan girls out there! Not because I had feelings for him or anything or maybe ... Stop it Alex you're rambling!

I think he kissed me for a full 3 minutes ^_^ until I passed out briefly from the lack of oxygen.

"So does that explain what my theory is ?" He said after I came to.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" I responded like a complete idiot.

"Look I know I'm good, but you really can't be that stupid-_-" he said in exasperation. Clearly I was still not getting the picture because his next action was to flick me again in the face with the bra.

The Struggles of my own Incompetence (Big Bang TOP)Where stories live. Discover now