Seriously Guys, I need to leave -_-

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So, here's what happened last time: 

*Slaps Alex*

"That was for the little stunt you pulled before and this, is because I'm not planning on letting you go." He said before tilting my chin in an upwards fashion and kissing me.

There were many shocked gasps heard from behind us. I swear I even heard someone clapping.

Did this feel like a K drama with the roles slightly reversed, YES!

Did I care at that Moment?

I'm going to have to say no. 

Story Start

Alex's Pov

Yeah,  we were still kissing  till I heard few  of people coughing from behind us. I removed myself from Top and immediately felt my cheeks heat up. 

"Awwww Noona is so cute!" Said B.I clapping his hands together. I just shook my head slightly and grabbed my phone to check the time. 

"Great, 30 minutes until my plane leaves " I sighed making a move for my suitcase once more. I seemed to be doing that a lot today -_-. I was starting to wonder if I ever was going to get on that plane. 

"What didn't you get about me not letting you go?" Said Top making a grab for the suitcase like pretty much everyone else seemed to have done today. 

"I appreciate the sentiment, but it's really not practical at the moment".  I responded sighing, I really didn't want to leave but I knew I would be back soon, he didn't though. 

"What Alex means Hyung, is that she's coming back sooner than you think but she really does need to get on that plane." Said Bobby, trying to make the situation a little less awkward. 

"I'll tell you what's happening in the car  Oppa *Cringe >.>* thank's for getting my bag."   I said moving towards the door.  I let him revel in his small victory for the minute. 

"Good Bye Ikon! I'll see you in Australia!" I said waving to the boys, Top was still a little confused but followed on anyway. 

"You need to tell me what the hell is going on!" Said Top yelling at the Top of his lungs in the hall way. Naturally ,we gained a couple of odd looks from staff but I ignored them. He was kinda cute when he was angry. 

"I will,  just wait until we get into the  taxi". I said whispering, mate I knew I loved the guy but he was being a serious A - hole at the moment. Which was sort of justified. 

"Not, good enough!" "I'm not letting you leave until you tell me the plan!" He said getting salty. As we rounded the last corner of the building I stopped and looked over in his direction. 

It took the boy a moment to realise that I had stopped. Turning to face  me, he closed the difference. I motioned him to come closer at this point like I had a secret to tell him.

I was planning to let him know how I felt when  I saw him next in Australia. Obviously, the MADE tour was about to start, which was exciting for BIG BANG so I would have my chance there. 

 Anyway, that was sooooooo not the point here. If the boy was going to stop his incessant whining I guess I could let him know how I really felt.

"Top, you need to trust me when I say I know what I'm doing". I felt him tense slightly as I moved a little closer. It was cute, I didn't realise I had that type of hold on him. 

"How can I trust  you when you're supposed to be leaving me?" I responded back in a harsh whisper. 

"If you let me finish, you would know that it was all going to be a temporary thing". I said getting frustrated at the older boy. I started walking again because it was starting to look a bit weird.  Us standing in the hall pretty close. 

" I'M GOING TO STUDY AND BECOME A TRANSLATOR AND TEACHER THEN COME BACK AND WORK FOR YG! " I yelled, why didn't he have any patience?!?  He was seriouly going to make me lose it today. 


"You mean, you're coming back?" "Why?" He asked , a little shocked by my outburst. I looked around and made a move to rub my temples. The frustration was really getting to me. Maybe if I just told him how I felt he would get it. 

I didn't have any control over what came out of my mouth next, which was greatly embarassing.  

"BECAUSE,  I LOVE YOU IS THAT SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND!" I yelled in English. Before realising my mistake. 

You idiot. You were supposed to hold off but you couldn't, could you.  You just had to have a stupid little temper. 

"Good, glad that has been established." He said walking in the opposite  direction of the entrance with my bag. 

Wow, I have never felt so rejected in my life. I just told the guy that I loved him and he totally didn't  respond in the conventional way that most people would. 

Could I blame him? Not really, there was hardly anything conventional about our relationship in the first place.

"Now, I have already cancelled your flight you're leaving tomorrow but tonight, you're all mine until then and no one is going to know." He continued smirking. 

This was kidnapping, like actual kidnapping! 

"I don't think so buddy, I can still catch another plane!" I yelled chasing after him. 

Once I had caught up he pulled me into a random room and pressed me up against the door. 

"Alex, tonight you are mine because there is something I need to tell you." He said , a look of desperation crossed his features. 

I bit my bottom lip, which seemed to be a natural reaction I had come to embrace while the two of us were in close proximity. 

"And what might that be?" I asked my voice shaking a little. I hated the effect that this guy had on me honestly why did I feel the need to kiss him like all the freaking time! 

Top: Because I'm irresistible  ;) 

Alex:  Who said you were allowed to read my thoughts -_-

Top: Not my fault, the author hasn't written from my perspective in a  while. I am a little hurt that you think so little of  my reaction to your confession. There is such thing as a language barrier. 

Alex: You mean this whole time you couldn't work out what "I love you means"? Don't you use it in your songs?  You really do need help with English -__-

"사랑해 Alex , 사랑해" He said, and I knew at that moment, I was going to be in a lot of trouble. 

"사랑해" - I love you in Hangul 

WOOOOOOH another chapter dudes! Glad to finally get this one out! I wonder if Alex is ever going to make it back to her home country. Top is really giving her a hard time. 

Thank you to all those reading, voting and commenting! You guys are seriously fantastic people!  To the Newbies just finding the story! Thanks for jumping on board! 

I love reading everyone's comments, seriously helps with the inspiration factor! Until the next chapter! 

Over and Out ! 

P.S : Sorry for the Typos once the story is completed I plan on fully editing  everything. 


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