The Night is Still Young

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TOP's Point of view (Just to mix things up a bit ;) ) 

While I was walking back to the living room area, a lot of things were going through my head. 

Hearing that knock at the door really ruined my night. I couldn't believe she kissed me on her own, whether it was the alcohol or not I didn't really know but one things for sure, I wasn't ever going to let Seungri or any guy do that with her.

I was only doing my duty as her oppa to protect her from other guys. That was it alright, just looking after her. Looking after her secret. That being said I was really annoyed when Seungri did kiss her , you shouldn't kiss people without their permission. 

A/N: I'm sorry but how many times has TOP actually asked Alex if it was okay to kiss her?!? 

TOP: "Who wouldn't want to kiss me ;)" 

A/N: -_-  back to the story 

I tried really hard to  focus on just walking and not replaying what just happened in my mind or the fact that I really liked it . Man It was lucky I wasn't wearing tight pants today otherwise everyone else would have been  able to know as well. ;)

"Come on guys we are about to play truth or dare!" Said BI motioning us over.

" I might just call it a night I'm pretty tried" said Alex yawning. Maybe I should walk her to her room, just to make sure she's alright...

"You can't! We have to celebrate!" Said Bobby, trying to convince her to stay. 

"Nah Bobby I'm out Good night everyone!" She responded bidding everyone goodnight .

"What about you TOP hhhyung?"said Bobby slurring his words .  

"I'm just going to make sure, he gets back his room alright" I said gesturing to Alex as she walked straight in a wall. All I could do was shake my  head and laugh. 

"Yeah... looks like he could hurt himself otherwise" Said GD patting me on the shoulder.

I nodded and watched as Alex swayed through the door frame. Before she could  hurt herself anymore I scooped her up in a princess hold and tried to ignore the Woolf whistles from the rest of the boys . She is going to cop so much Sh*t tomorrow.  

"Hey, oppa put me downnnn~"  She whispered  lightly punching me in the chest. 

"Shush...Alex this way you'll get to sleep a lot faster" I said trying to stop her irritating little jabs. 

"Ooookayyy" She responded swinging her legs as I carried her. She was silent until we reached her room. 

"Alex, do you have your keys?" I asked putting her on the ground with an arm around her waist to steady her. 

"Giveeee me  onneee second " She said fumbling around in her pockets till she pulled out her keys and tried to open the door. I could tell she was really struggling so I ended up doing it for her. Man, I think she is really wasted, Was all I could think as I helped her through the door. 

"You, know oppa we didn't get a chance to really finish what we were doing in the bathroom before ... since no one is going to interrupt us now ....I think we should continue...''She said huskily pulling me towards her bed. 

"Woah woah woah ... ugh alex I don't think that's a good idea I mean you're uh well not in the right..."I didn't get a chance to finish as she cut me off. It was quite dark in her room so even though couldn't see what was pressed up against my lips I sure as hell could guess. 

Alex's POV  

Grabbing TOP roughly I pulled him towards my bed. Don't worry everyone we weren't going to 'do it ' but that doesn't mean that I couldn't make out with him ... for the second time tonight hehe.  One things for sure, I was in control tonight ~~~ Well sort of :') 

Taking full advantage of his surprise I slipped my unskilled tongue into his mouth. I took my time exploring every surface while attempting to fight for dominance over the more experienced individual that I had managed to capture . ;)

"Alex... we can't you're not in the right state of mind to be doing this" He said a soft groan escaped his lips as I pressed my chest against his. 

"Don't spoil the fun o-p-p-a" I said spelling out each syllable of the one word that he loved me saying the most. 

He shivered under my touch as I slid my hand under his shirt only to admire the chiseled abbs which not even his fans really got a chance to see. :'(  

*Knock Knock* 

It was at that moment Alex realised just what she had been doing for the last 4minutes. It was like I was suddenly shocked into a state of being sober.  Pushing him off I moved towards the bathroom with trying to ignore my sudden urge to throw up. 

"Top Hyung, are you asleep? We are waiting for you!" Said Bobby bursting through the door. I swear to god this kid was always getting in the way. *excuse me guys for a minutes while I yell at myself* WHAT DO MEAN IN THE WAY!?! YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN KISSING TOP THE WAY THAT YOU WERE IN THE FIRST PLACE.  OH MY GOD HE'S GOING TO KILL ME .

"Uh Alex are you seem to be yelling a fair bit in there" Said Bobby knocking on the door again. It was honestly starting to become a really annoying habit of his. 

"Holy Sh*t don't worry about me, I'm fine just need to have a shower! You guys go have fun!" I said, wondering just how I was ever going to face TOP again. 

"Alex, I'll see you tomorrow " Said TOP chuckling . 

"Uh.. Um sure" I responded dumbly banging my head against the wall. 

Hearing the door close I double checked the bathroom door was locked  and readied myself for a shower. I was hoping the hot water would help me sort out what just  happened. 

Why did I act that way? Surely I'm not that sexually frustrated that I'm going attack every man I see when i'm  drunk.

Why did it feel different when I kissed TOP as opposed to when Seungri kissed me? Both were pretty good looking guys...Look nothing is ever going to happen with either of them... they are both play boys so that would be bad news and could threaten my career.

Ugh why am I thinking this ... I can't let this get in my way I need to think about my music and only that. 

I should call my sister and let her know the news. Big stuff is happening for me and I can't let anything get in my way. 

At least that's what I had planned to go with until I saw TOP tomorrow I just hoped  I would be strong enough to sort everything out.

Hey guys!I'm sorry for the short chapter guys I'm still experimenting with writing heavier romance scenes I'm not sure that I'll ever be able to write a lemon. :') Anyway the next chapter might be a bit heavy I'm not sure yet. As Always thank you for all you're votes and comments I really do appreciate your support!

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