Dinner and the Last Goodbye

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Hey ALLLLLLLLL First I liked to say a massive MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!

@Bajan_canadian725 Happy Birthday Dude! I Hope you have a wonderful day! This Chapter is dedicated to you!

Story Start:

Alex's PoV:

As I walked into the building I was suddenly taken aback. The modern and sleek interior just only furthered my initial impressions of Top. The boy had style, but we already knew that.

"I want to try something". I said as we made our way over to the elevator, my shoes clicked against the tiles. He merely nodded in response, as he moved to select the up button on the wall.

It was truly a western tradition to call someone by their first name. Since I wouldn't ever get the chance to do so again I knew I had to tonight.

"I have been following all the traditional Korean approaches to this relationship but it's really important that you uh... well let me call you by your first name". I said my resolve faltering slightly as the words finally left my mouth.

"Alex, you can call me whatever you want to". He said chuckling. The elevator signaled that it had arrived on our floor and he wrapped his arm around my waist and ushered us both into the confined space.

Taking in his warmth, I smiled.

"Seung-hyun, I love you please don't ever forget that". I said as the guilt settled in my heart.

"Alex, I love you too". He replied after pushing a number beside me and pulling me into a light kiss.

By the time we stopped a ding was heard. Naturally, this signaled that it was time to get out of the elevator but I didn't want to. I just wanted to stay in his arms and never let him go.

Damn, I was starting to sound like a sap. I'm in LOVE LOVE, was all I could picture myself saying. The cringe factor was pretty high today let me tell you.

Reaching for a something in his pocket I noticed Seung-hyun grab a small piece of black cloth. It looked about the right size for covering someone's eyes.

"I'm not doing any S&M bullsh*t you know". I said looking up at him, a skeptical look gracing my features.

"I would never! I mean maybe I would if that's what you're into and stuff...but I would never! How could a girl even suggest that?!? Maybe you aren't a girl at all... but then I have seen that you're a girl I think at least." He was getting extremely flustered and it was incredibly cute to know that I could effect him that way.

"Here, I'll just put it on myself" I said before grabbing the blindfold and tying it around my face. Might as well indulge him a little.

"I'm going to open the door and sit you down okay?" He replied evenly. But deep down I knew he was nervous. You know how I could tell? He dropped his keys twice.

"Seung-hyun are we going to enter the apartment at all today?" I asked placing my hands on my hips.

"Jiagi-ah, I'm trying!" He said kissing me once more. My guess was to shut me up and let me tell you it, his method was full proof.

I heard a light click and was lead into a room to sit down. I felt something cool on my neck.

"You can take off the blindfold now." Was all I heard before a pair lips met mine once again.

"Yah! Seung-hyun let me take it off!" I moaned between kisses. This boy, I swear!

"Fine, fine!" He said before ripping it off.

"Happy Birthday Alex". He said smiling at my reaction upon seeing the inside of his apartment for the first time.

"How the hell did you do all this in such a small period of time?!?" I yelled taking in the massive 3 tier cake covered in white chocolate fondant, decorated with an elaborate floral design.

He even knew my favorite color.

"I had some help" He smirked guiding me over to a pile of expertly wrapped gifts. And when I say a pile guys I mean it. There were at least 100 boxes there I didn't even want to know what they contained.

"I can't do this Seung-hyun it's not right". I Said removing myself from his grasp.

"What do you mean? Don't you like the gifts and the cake ?" He responded hurt crossing features.


"No, they are all wonderful, you're wonderful but I can't do all these gifts and mate that cake! How are we going to eat all that!?! It's enough that I get to spend this time with you! I don't need the gifts but thank you anyway!" I rambled dodging what I really wanted to say.

"Alex calm down! I did this for you, since you never ask for anything from anyone I wanted to give you everything". He responded staring me dead straight in the eyes.

I wanted today to be a happy day and so it would be.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to be with you so much you know? I'm not good at the birthday thing and you have spoiled me waaaay too much with the promise ring alone." I replied smiling softly.


"One day, I'll give you the world and there will be nothing you can do about it". He said laughing as he led me over to his dining table.

"But for now, I'm going to cook you the best pasta you have ever had in your life". I watched as the man I had grown to love over such a short 42 chapters, I mean period of time.

" Can I help with anything at all?" I asked as walked around the kitchen.

"Yeah, you can start by opening that massive pile of presents in the corner over there." He smirked as he chopped up a stack of vegetables in record time.




"No, you'll be returning those so I think I'll just watch you from here". I said smiling like an idiot.

For a good 20 minutes, I watched him as he cooked. We didn't say a word and basically took pleasure in just being in each others presence.

He made a fantastic meal that we both enjoyed until he decided to bring out the cake.

I watched as he walked towards the table, the three tiered cake in hand.
Elegantly, the placed  the cake in front of me and began to sing the typical birthday .

We sat and together for a while enjoying each other's company. I knew it all had to end soon.

We moved to the bathroom to briefly change in my pjs. They consisted of a simple pair of trackies basically. 

" Alex, I love you so much and I promise we can make this work" said Top as he gracefully took me into his arms and led me to the bedroom.

I merely nodded, finding it difficult to come to terms with what I had to do in the morning.

I glanced briefly towards the lounge room containing my bag. The letter that would screw everything up.


I waited for him to fall asleep before making my way back to the kitchen.

Pulling out my letter I tried my best not to cry. As I left it and what ever chance I had with Top on his kitchen bench.

I peeked into his room one last time,  pulling the covers over his body.

Smiling through the tears I made my way to the airport.

And I didn't look back.

Hey guys I'm so sorry Wattpad deleted my ending and I couldn't remember it! :( I have been in Italy 🇮🇹 the last couple of weeks for uni so the Internet is a bit hit and miss :( new chapter to come out this week!

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