Back to Reality -_-

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So my first weekly Big Bang tutoring session was quite er... interesting to say the least. I'm not a hundred percent sure how I'm going to cope with the upcoming educational sessions .Especially those that are not musically concerned. I won't ever understand the need that men have to  A: Hit everything and everyone and B: talking about sex at any given chance -_-.

I was rudely awoken by an overexcited group of men jumping on my bed at 5:30am. I don't know about you guys but I'm a person who desperately  requires as much sleep as possible to function.  So how did I react to the fact that I was being woken up on a day where class started at 8? Well it went a little like this....

Grabbing Bobby's weights that had been placed by the bed I threw the set of 5kgs towards the annoying movement. There was a muffled yelp from someone... I'm not a 100 percent sure who because I had my eyes closed. Before I could grab something else to throw my arms where pinned to my sides by someone.

"Seriously guys what the hell do you want at this ungodly hour!?!" I groaned whilst attempting to shrug out  of my captors hold. Naturally because I spoke in english I received a  slap from B.I.

"Yah! Stop hitting me!" It was at this point that I recognised a glorious scent from the other side of the room. Instantly my eyes snapped open in search of gods liquid.

Standing against the wall with a smug expression was Bobby and in his hand was a cup of freshly brewed coffee. I motioned with my eyebrows for him to come closer, I would have used my arms but that obviously wasn't an option.

Rolling his eyes he walked towards my bed holding the cup of coffee to my lips.

"You can let him go now guys, I think he's awake" .Said Bobby motioning for my arms to be freed. I was now wide awake and happy to be so as I pryed the cup from his hands.

"Right, now you must tell us all you learned from the masters of kpop"demanded our leader. Seriously these guys were like a bunch of girls waiting for gossip.

"Hyung, come on we have been waiting for ages!" Whined Changwoo shaking my arm.

"Alright Alright! But there is not much to say" I shrugged and made a move towards the bathroom conscious of my bed head. Darting in I locked the door before anyone could follow me in.

"Hyung seriously hurry up!" Yelled BI whilst knocking furiously on the door. Naturally I took my time washing my face, brushing my teeth and fixing my hair in a childish attempt at revenge.

That was until I heard something drop out of the door. Which turned out to be the lock... I'm sure this would cause heaps of problems in the near future.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING!" I yelled. "BASICALLY THE BOYS TOOK ME TO WAYCH THEM FILM THEIR NEW MV BAE BAE!" "I WAS FORCED TO SING ONE OF THE PARTS IN A RIDICULOUS COSTUME! " "THEN I CAME HOME TO BED!" It took a lot of air to yell that at my other band members. So much so that I dizzily moved out of the bathroom towards my bed.

"They are releasing a new song?!? Oh my god this is so exciting what does it sound like?" Said Bobby, going into total fangirl Mode.

"It's a pretty awesome song, something about sticky rice cakes? And I'm pretty sure there was some stuff innuendo which I didn't quite understand."I responded diving onto my pillow. 

"Can you guys leave now and let  me sleep please? The Mv will come out soon you can watch it then". I cringed into the pillow. 

"Alright, Alright guys we can quiz him later." "Let's give him a break there is an hour before class starts and it looks like he needs as much beauty sleep he can get." Said Bobby Chuckling  whilst pushing the boys toward the door.  

"Fine, but it's not over " Said our almighty leader B.I with a finger pointed in my direction. 

"Yeah, yeah" I said waving my hand in their general direction.

"Thank God, they're gone!" I said grabbing the covers. 

"They might be but I still have heaps of questions" "Muhahahaha, that you will answer!" Yelled Bobby jumping on my Bed. 

This was going to be  a looooooooong day. 

And let me tell you it was. 

******* Dance Practice 

"So is Taeyoung as good a dancer in real life? I mean I know he's the best in the group according to the magazines. "  Said Jiwan while executing a perfect backflip. I myself was in no condition to talk as I struggled to do the same. 

Landing on my butt I gave him the strongest glare possible. "He was great, fantastic I'll tell you next week if I get to see anymore of his awesome moves".  I responded wincing as Bobby pulled me off the ground whilst laughing. 

"Alex, what are you doing?!? STOP TALKING DURING PRACTICE" Yelled our instructor. Whilst slapping me in the back of the head. So now I had a sore butt and a splitting headache.  -_-

And let me tell you the questioning didn't end there. 

*******Korean Classes 

Pushing up his imaginary glasses B.I said "Alex, repeat the Korean you learned yesterday with our seniors". 

"Uh, sure no worries ....." I replied breaking out into song. 

"I'm in love nune kongkkakji ssuieosseo babe
Haui siljonge huin waisyeocheu babe
Saramiya cheonsaya oh jesus babe
Nunbusyeo babe sunklass babe
Jeongsini mangsiniya hollyeosseo nege
Piga hanjjogeuro tto ssollyeosseo nege
Wiheomhae you're so tankerous babe
Sallyeojwo babe gyeongchal bulleo babe"

I sang walking up to B.I stroking his arm. I was going to make this boy  suffer for the treatment I had received this morning.  I held back a laugh as a blush rose to his cheeks . This was going to be good.  Then moving onto Bobby I pulled him towards me and sang.

"Chapssaltteok chapssaltteok
Gunghabi uri uri gunghabi
Chapssaltteok chapssaltteok
Gunghabi uri uri gunghabi"

I watched for their expressions and let me tell you they were priceless. B.I was blushing like mad while Bobby tried to pull away an expression of pure shock on his face. 

"What? " I said in english earning a slap to the back of the head -_-. 

"Alex you don't understand what you just sang do you?" "You were basically asking for sex" Said Bobby cringing. 

It was my turn to blush this time, obviously I zoned out of that part of the translation yesterday.

"All I did was sing the lyrics to Big Bang's new song" I said chuckling nervously. Before I was tackled by the two boys. 

I hope the rest of my lessons don't turn out like this.

Hey Guys! How's it Going! Please Tune in for the next chapter where Alex and the Big Bang Lads feature on Running Man. Sorry about the filler but it had to be done! Please vote and comment! Peace Out!  

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