Well Sh*t

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"Well, go on then we are far enough from everyone you can say it." I said taking a sip of my drink which I would later find out to be a big mistake. I noticed TOP staring intently at us from the table

"Okay... Well... I'll just ugh whisper it..." He said obviously still nervous. Seriously boy spit it out!

"I know you're a... um .. girl".

"Well, shit."

"Uh yeah... look I don't know what to say to you man" I responded grabbing onto the closest chair to steady myself.  I did feel my soul leave my body at some point.

"Look, this is harder for me you know..." He said running his hand through his hair. 

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S HARDER FOR YOU?" Honestly, I didn't know what to think! This guy held my future in the palm of my hand and he thought he was the one in the difficult situation?!?  It took everything in my power to stop from raging. And yes, I did yell.

"ALEX! CALM DOWN I'M NOT GOING TO TELL ANYONE!" Said Bobby grabbing my shoulders to shake me. At this point I  noticed TOP coming towards us with Taehyung.

"We need to talk about this later" I whispered fighting the blush of embarrassment crossing my features.

"Hey, guys! What's taking so long!" Said V smiling like an idiot. The guy was cute but he really didn't know how to read social cues.

"Nothing, Alex just burned his mouth" Said Bobby covering up, holding eye contact with me the entire time.

"Uh.. yeah" I replied lamely grabbing all the boys orders and moving towards the table everyone. Only intercepted by TOP.

"Hey Bobby and Taehyung can you take these over to the table" Said Top gains the two boys trays of coffees. Of course they couldn't refuse their Hyung so the two diligently top them with a nod.

What was I doing during the exchange? Well naturally, I was hyperventilating and trying my best not to melt into a puddle on the floor.

It was almost funny to see the worried look on Tops face as he came closer. I noticed Bobby staring in our direction, which really didn't make me feel any better.

"Alex, are you okay"it was easy to see the concern in the older mans face. It was also really annoying that I thought he looked really hot. Obviously the alcohol was making me feel this way. I stammered the need few words out of nerves I guess.

"B-Bobby, he, uh knows my secret " All could do is watch as the colour rushed from his face. I guess he does care for me. Or maybe not...

"HOW DID YOU LET HIM FIND OUT?!?" He yelled at the top of his lungs (lol)

So guys how do you think everyone reacted? Hmm? I don't know maybe, just maybe the b*sted managed to get the attention of everyone in the room.

Bobby just sank down into his seat. Damn, this wasn't going to end well.

"Hyung, you need to calm down! I don't know!" I responded in a whisper trying to signal Bobby's attention.

"Oh, so now you call me hyung! Alex I swear... You're such a ...: -/ you know what?  I'm taking you and Bobby back to the agency so we can sort out this mess" He rambled, head in his hands. Obviously exasperated with the entire situation which was totally unnecessary. He then proceeded to grab my Hand and pull me over to the boys. I felt my cheeks heat up as his skin made sudden contact with my own.

Bloody hormones.

"Bobby, you guys have a big schedule ahead we should go" said Top with a look that could kill.

"Uh... Yeah.. Cool um lets go"responded Bobby avoiding Top's eye contact at all costs.

"But, the night has only really just started!" Said V, obvious disappointment present in his tone.

" I'm so sorry Taehyung-ah I will make it up to you I promise!" I did before continuing.
"We have an early shoot tomorrow, and I'm already on bad terms with my manager" :(

" it's okay! Make sure you text me okay!" He responded, making his way over to give me a massive hug .

I ignored Top's reactions while saying goodbye to the rest of the bang tang crew. I'm so glad to have made friends with such an awesome group! .
It took 10 minutes to get back to YG.

No one spoke, until we entered our dorm room.

" So, would anyone...." I started before getting cut off by Top.

" How did you find out." He said glaring at Bobby, who slouched against the wall.

" Well. Um you see it's a long story... Uh um. Yeah." Said Bobby. Trying to control the shaking in his voice. Top had the boy terrified.

"For God sake, spit it out already!" I said with a groan.

"ISAWYOUTWOMAKIMGOUTINOURROOMTHATNIGHTWEWEREALLDRIINKING." He yelled putting a hand over his mouth. I instantly blushed when my brain had enough time to fully process what the boy had just said.

"I also saw Alex in her bra on that same night while you were eh... Well"he continued shyly. Causing more blood flow to reach my head. Naturally the lack of oxygen ,as a direct Cause of this, lead to me fainting A metre away from my bed.

Third Person Pov
"You realise this is going to be a long night for you." Said Top picking up Alex's no lifeless body delicately then throwing her on the bed.

" I'm not going to tell anyone! We need Alex to remain a part of ikon!" Responded Bobby almost in tears.
Top wondered if the boys words were true before slapping Alex on the forehead in an attempt to wake her up.

As she stirred, the two boys watched her movements.

" I just had the weirdest dream ever" she said rubbing her eyes.

" why does my forehead hurt " she sighed before noticing the two men in her room.

It wasn't a dream, she knew that now. And all she could say is :
"Well sh*t".

Hello lovely people! I'm so so sorry for the late upload! I'm currently in Japan! Wooooooo!
Just finished exams last week and haven't found wifi till now! Thank you for all continuing with this story! I love hearing your comments and I can't believe the overwhelming support I have been receiving for this story!
Faster update to come next week!
Sorry for any errors I had to write this on my phone :/

Over and out!

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