Arriving At YG

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If I'm honest I didn't get too much of a chance to fangirl over my encounter, due to the fact that I had to navigate myself around an unfamiliar airport. The first thing I did was grab my luggage and head over to purchase a bus ticket.

Bus ticket in hand, I waited patiently researching basic Korean phrases that would help me to get around. I didn't have too much time to do so as the bus promptly arrived 2 minutes after I had reached the station. I had received a my schedule from YG via email:

12pm - Meet other trainees

12:30Pm - Dance workshop 4hrs

4:30pm - 10min break

4:40pm - vocal workshop 2 hours

6.40pm - Dinner 20mins

7pm - Orientation at the dorms

11:30pm - Lights out

"Fantastic, 4 hours of dancing" . I swore under my breath, attempting to ignore the obvious stares of the natives around me. I was so screwed. Guess I should welcome myself to hell. The bus trip lasted a whole hour of which I slept most of.

By the time I arrived at the YG studios it was 11:30am, luckily for me I was early enough to pick out a room to put my stuff in. There were a bunch of fans blocking the entrance, of whom I didn't have a clue. I showed my pass to the security guards, that came in the in my contract package and was let through the doors.

I was ushered right to reception, completely ignored by the staff that seemed immersed in their daily tasks. "Annyeong-hasimnikka, je ireum-eun Alex Black imnida" I said to the lady at reception with a smile. She responded in korean, which naturally I couldn't understand. I stopped her and said "Trainee" pointing to myself. She nodded and gave me a map of the dorms at least that's what I thought it was. She had the security guard escort me to our sleeping quarters where I picked a room that had two beds and claimed a side.

The room wasn't large, inside there were two Identical single beds separated by a large window and two small desks each with a matching lamp and chairs. I was happy that there was a bathroom thanking my lucky stars that would only have to share it with one other individual. Which meant I could keep it clean and germ free.

I left myself 10 minutes to find the dance studio which wasn't the smartest idea. Thankfully I ran into another trainee who was also running late and could speak english. How did know he could? Well that could be explained by the string of english profanities that he was uttering in his quest to find our designated dance studio.

"Thank the lord there is someone other than me that can speak English" I all but yelled, slightly more relieved that I would now have someone to talk to. "The name's Alex Black, I take it you're also a trainee?" I asked with an incredibly goofy smile on my face.

"My name is Kim Jiwon, I'm glad I'm not the only one who is late" he chuckled nervously. Wow this guy had a low voice, I bet for sure he's a rapper. "The dance studio is just down the hall" he said after I failed to respond to his statement.

"Awesome!" "I hope they haven't started without us" I managed while breaking into a run towards the studio. The doors were open which was a good sign, at least that's what I thought until I was met with a piercing look of disapproval. Jiwon and I shuffled to the back after interrupting our dance instructor. It wasn't until the end of 1st hour that I realised I was the only girl present within the room. Not that it really mattered to me, basically meant I didn't have to learn to do all the cutesy stuff in heels and hey, I was happy with that.

By the 4th hour some of the trainees in our group had passed out from exhaustion and most likely dehydration. Those of us that managed to continue were awarded with a 10min water break in which no one spoke. It seemed this time was used to observe the competition. I smiled at Jiwon and gave a slight wave which he returned from across the room. It wasn't long before the break was over and we were forced into the vocal workshop.

The task we were given upon entering the room was to write a song that demonstrated our knowledge of music and our vocal talents, singing and or rapping. Lucky I had already written a couple of songs which I had brought along with me, I decided to add in a rap and mix up the melody a bit. Sure I could have come up with something on the spot but I thought it better to go with the fail safe. When it came to the performance only 15 out of the remaining 30 trainees were able to produce something to standard. To be fair, we did lose 10 guys at the dancing workshop. I hadn't realised that these two classes had been elimination rounds. I'm just glad I made it through.

If I'm being honest, dinner was the highlight of the day. I had heard rumours about the food at YG being amazing and let me tell you, it really is. I met up with Jiwon after the vocal workshop glad that he had also made it through and was even happier to find out he was rooming with me. At least this way I would get a run down of everything and not be left behind.

"Yo Jiwon, what's going on" I said not realising the rhyme until had already left my mouth. Obviously I was still in rapper mode I thought wearily.

"Hello Alex, I'm glad you made it through" He laughed, responding in perfect english. Turns out the boy was born and bred in America which would explain his fluent use of both languages.

"Yeah, you too" I replied, he just looked over in utter amusement.

"Hey, Alex how much do you actually know about YG and it's programs" Chuckling slightly.

"What do you mean, I only know about the two famous groups that have come out of this place. ""You know Big Bang and 2NE1" I stated through a mouthful of food.

He shook his head in disbelief and motioned some other guys he knew to come and join us at our table. After some introductions to the other three guys, one of them had a strange name B I or something like that, he told me all about the show they had been apart of. Who is the Next Winnner , where him and the other 3 lads sitting with us had been team B and had just missed out on debuting as some group called Winner.

"We,"He said pointing to the other three guys, "Have a guaranteed spot in the next group they decide to debut." "Which means there are four spots left, didn't you read the contract you were signing that explained all this?" He laughed patting my head

"Little Donseng, what are we going to do with you" Said B.I with a smirk.

"Donseng? I'm pretty sure I'm older than you mate" I laughed in response.

"20th of August 1995" I watched as he gasped coming to the realisation that I was in fact his Hyung. Or technically his Noona but by the looks of what I had signed up for no one got that I was a girl.

"No way" B.I. responded, in korean pinching my cheeks.

"I also don't believe that's possible with such a baby face!" Said Jiwon "Well at least we are the same age" he laughed.

By this stage of the conversation dinner was over and we had already made our way to the dorms for orientation.

"Hey, Alex if you end up becoming apart of Ikon, I promise I'll help you out with your Korean" Jiwon said as we entered our assigned room.

I didn't respond as I jumped straight into bed and fell asleep in my clothes.


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