Woah mannn pls Chill

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"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!"Yelled an extremely angry YG as I entered the room.

I-I-I Can explain!" I responded trying my best to think of an excuse

"Start. Talking."

Well, I'm in deep sh*t


Story Start

"W-Well, I um wasn't ... uh" Quick Alex you really have to think of something or everything you've worked for could end in an instant.

"Alex hasn't being feeling very well sir. The last couple of days he's been quite run down due to the pressure that I placed on him to write our songs." Said B.I Walking over. In all honesty I wanted to kiss this man right now for saving my ass.

"Is that true Black? " Said YG still trying to work out whether to believe B.I or not.

"Yes, sir I'm extremely sorry for running out this morning but you see I wasn't feeling well which is why I did it" I said rolling my head around in order to add a dramatic element to my case.

"Well then you must go and rest for a while, but next time you're feeling unwell I expect that you will report it to your manager immediately." He said before continuing. " This sort of behaviour will not be tolerated again do you understand?"

"Yes sir!" I said nodding while trying to bow at the same time which ending up with me falling over as per usual due to my obvious lack of coordination. -_-

Look guys I'm not going to say I regret running out on everyone because of two reasons.

Firstly, I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to keep up the gender bender thing, yes my music is important to me but if anyone finds out I could ruin everything. Not just for me but also for the rest of the boys. Maybe I shouldn't have come back and ended it there and then. Who knows for now at least.

Secondly, I met an awesome group of people who I would try and keep in contact with. BTS might even be able to help with promoting the group. Which is really important for our success. If I featured on an episode of V TV I'm sure it could do great things for the group.

There was also another problem that  I really would have loved to run away from and that was..... well a certain tall attractive person who held some dangerous information about me. TOP. I Knew I was starting to have certain feelings towards the guy and that had to stop. Sure I knew I liked him, but it couldn't develop into anything more. If I had to list the reasons why we could be here all day.

But the question I had to ask myself here was how best to deal with that situation. The first approach that came to mind was just ignoring him really which could work. I could just dash out room when ever he walks in. But that could be weird... The the other option I was totally opposed to and I bet you can guess what that would entail.

One word.


It was at this point my thoughts were interrupted  by someone throwing me a ridiculous basket ball outfit and shoving me into a random room. I guess it was time to change.

It was at that moment that I received a text from Jimin. Feeling my phone vibrate I took it out of my pocket  and read the message.

"It was a shame we couldn't spend more time getting to know you today! Good luck with the filming and show 'em who's boss ;)"     - Jimin

The Struggles of my own Incompetence (Big Bang TOP)Where stories live. Discover now