The Final Dance

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As the casual tune filled the hall, Bellarose felt Pansy's grip on her waist relax slightly. Pansy turned to face her fully, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Well, Lestrange," Pansy said with mock formality, "since we made such a memorable entrance, I suppose it's only fitting we start the night with a dance. Don't you think?"

Bellarose laughed softly, her cheeks warming under Pansy's sharp gaze. "You're right. It wouldn't do to let everyone think we've gone shy now."

Pansy raised an eyebrow, offering her hand. "Shy? You? Never."

The two of them made their way to the dance floor. As soon as they stepped into the open space, Bellarose could feel the weight of eyes on them. Pansy moved confidently, pulling Bellarose close, her arm slipping around her waist once again. Their movements were fluid, in sync, as if they had danced together a hundred times before.

As they twirled in the soft glow of the Great Hall's lights, Bellarose felt a strange mix of ease and tension. Pansy's smirk had softened into something unreadable, and for a moment, it felt like the rest of the hall disappeared. It was just the two of them, moving effortlessly across the floor, each step timed perfectly to the music.

After the song ended, Bellarose and Pansy stepped aside, catching their breath and exchanging a glance of satisfaction. Before Bellarose could fully process the moment, she saw Luna approaching with her usual dreamy expression.

"Bellarose," Luna said brightly, her silver dress twinkling as she came closer. "I hope you don't mind, but I've been wanting to ask you for a dance."

Pansy raised an eyebrow, but Bellarose grinned. "I'd be honored, Luna."

Luna turned to Neville, who was standing nearby and gave a small wave. "Neville doesn't mind. He's enjoying the pudding right now."

Neville, hearing his name, smiled and gave Bellarose a thumbs-up before returning his focus to the dessert table.

Taking Luna's hand, Bellarose led her onto the dance floor. Luna, ever graceful in her own unique way, twirled in a way that made Bellarose chuckle.

"You're a wonderful dancer, Luna," Bellarose said warmly.

"Oh, thank you," Luna replied, her wide eyes glimmering. "It's mostly instinct. Dancing is like following the rhythm of the stars."

Bellarose smiled, appreciating Luna's whimsical approach to everything. The two moved in perfect harmony, with Luna occasionally breaking into little twirls that made their dance playful and carefree.

After Luna gave Bellarose a final twirl, Ginny appeared next, her arms crossed and a smirk playing on her lips. "Alright, Bellarose," she said with a raised eyebrow. "I've had enough of watching. Let's see if you can keep up with a real dancer."

Bellarose grinned, always up for a challenge. "You think I can't?"

"Oh, I know you can't," Ginny teased, taking Bellarose's hand and pulling her onto the dance floor before she could protest.

The song shifted into something upbeat, and Ginny immediately took the lead, guiding Bellarose through a fast-paced rhythm. Bellarose could barely contain her laughter as Ginny twirled her with surprising strength, the two of them moving faster than they had with any of their previous partners.

Ginny's fiery energy was infectious, and Bellarose found herself matching Ginny's pace, even throwing in a spin or two of her own. By the time the song ended, they were both breathless, laughing like schoolgirls who had just pulled off a successful prank.

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